Are my net calories too low?

I exercise just about everyday. My caloric needs for the day are around 2000 i think but my net always winds up at 1300 or less after my workout. Is this bad? I've been on a platue for about 2 weeks now. Should I eat more? less? I have about 10-15 lbs left to lose and they just won't come off!


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Try eating at least half of the calories you burn from exercise.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    It works differently for different people. I wouldn't take 1300 net is "too" low but from personal experience when I increased my calories from 1500 to 1750 net (1lb a week to 1/2lb a week loss) the last 4-5lbs came off alot quicker for me after having stayed the same for quite a while :)
  • Skeith5
    Skeith5 Posts: 89 Member
    Try upping your calories a bit and see what happens. I've been losing much the past month or so so I bought a heart rate monitor to make sure my calories burned was what I was really burning. I had been way off (about 500 calories too few..) So my 1400-1600 net calories were actually 900-1100 calories a day in actuality. Now that I'm back up to a more accurate 1600 I'm starting to lose weight again.

  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Looks like you only have about 13 pounds or so left to lose, so if you're not already you should probably be at half a pound a week of weight loss (a 250 calorie deficit).
  • erinmac0211
    erinmac0211 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everybody!! I think I'm going to go to the 250 calorie deficit and possibly buy myself a heart rate monitor :)