Eating quirks



  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I eat everything (candy) in layers or by colors. But, since changing my lifestyle, i have not had to opportunity to indulge in this craziness!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I have to take eggs out of the carton evenly, in a sort of checkerboard pattern. Drives me nuts if a half full carton of eggs has them dispersed unevenly!
  • dHowe4406
    For me it is Rold Gold Pretzels.

    I bite off one of the hoops on top then the other one. Now I'm left with a small triangle and I eat one side at a time.
  • robinxhope
    robinxhope Posts: 125 Member
    Air pop popcorn with plain yellow mustard. :P
  • dancer4275
    I absolutely HATE biting into when I eat a sandwich, I tear it into many little pieces, smash the bread and then eat it!

    I also eat pizza with a fork. ALWAYS.
  • allymorin
    ...i soak my salad in vinegar to make a sort of.. cold salad 'soup' . when i'm done i drink it all from the bowl lmao
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Also I just remembered that I cannot stand for my food to touch. Some foods make an exception, but if I'm out eating pancakes and syrup touched either my eggs, grits, or bacon/sausage---pretty much anything but the pancake.. I will either cut off the freshly sweetened piece, or will nix the product entirely.

    The worst case is with a sausage biscuit. I eat the sausage first, then put jelly on the biscuit.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Not sure if it's an eating quirk, but I believe PBJ and other sammies taste best when spreads are evenly spread/distributed across the bread. My hubby puts gobs in the middle of the bread, barely spreads it and it makes me insane, lol gobs of mayo or gobs of PB. I also have to eat the outsides of my sandwiches first and love having the softest middle part as my last bite instead of the dastardly crusts. :D

    It's like reading a commentary on my own marriage. :tongue: would it kill them to just swish the knife around the bread a couple times?
    Also, I take eggs out of the carton from either end first, working toward the middle.
    I love onion rings dipped into honey. So Good, I command you all to try it.
    I like onion cooked in food for flavor, but I pick out the pieces, too intense to bite into.
    If there's potatoes, gravy and creaked corn on my plate, 10 to 1 odds they are mixed up like a happy little party for my tastebuds.
    I eat the bottom thick layer of chocolate off of kit kat bars first. I have eaten that part and shared the rest with my kid. Lol
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    I split sugar wafer cookies. I pull the layers apart. Pull the little wafery bits off and eat them, then peel the creme off and eat that. Its always fun when I get the wafer part off in one piece cause its so delicate.
  • inammorata
    It's pretty gross but I lick the flavour from my crisps before I eat them....

    I do that too with Doritos.
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    oh i have way too many quirks to list here!! for any kind of sandwich i have to eat the crust first, then whatever is inside of the sandwich, then the bread. and if theres some kind of spread on the bread i have to lick that all off and get as clean a piece of bread as i can before i eat it. and if im eating something like a luna bar, i have to eat all the chocolate coating off first then eat the rest. And for trail mix bars, i have to eat each ingredient seperately, so ill eat all the raisins off of it, then the peanuts etc...for m&ms of any kind, i have to eat two of the same color at a time then whichever ones don't have a pair i eat all together at the end (something i learned from my dad:happy: ) AND still...if im eating anything that is small and splits in half, like some of those square puffed cereals, or nuts, i have to eat them one at a time and break it into a clean half in my mouth. I also peel the skin off my grapes with my teeth before i eat it....i could go on but it'd be pretty boring, but you get the takes me FOREVER to eat anything!!:laugh:
  • maryloo2011
    • eat popcorn by chewing off the kernels and putting the soft parts back in the bowl... and eating them all at once, in the end
    • skin almonds with my teeth and then eat the inside
    • eat the skin off soft pretzels, then eat the inside (soft parts) all at once
    • if nibbling on certain things I will eat the item so it has round corners
    • kashi cereal that has more than one shaped kernal (go lean or cruch i think?), I'll eat all of the same kernels first. all long / all square / etc.

    much more. I don't know where the hell I got this from but have been doing it my whole life....

    editing to add that knowing certain foods I am weird with, I try not to eat around other people except my husband. He doesn't notice/doesn't care :D
  • kadoodle76
    It's pretty gross but I lick the flavour from my crisps before I eat them....

    teehee me too
  • kadoodle76
    • eat popcorn by chewing off the kernels and putting the soft parts back in the bowl... and eating them all at once, in the end
    • skin almonds with my teeth and then eat the inside
    • eat the skin off soft pretzels, then eat the inside (soft parts) all at once
    • if nibbling on certain things I will eat the item so it has no round corners
    • kashi cereal that has more than one shaped kernal (go lean or cruch i think?), I'll eat all of the same kernels first. all long / all square / etc.

    much more. I don't know where the hell I got this from but have been doing it my whole life....

    I actually do all of those things except I only eat the soft part of popcorn and toss the rest back in the bag. people hate eating popcorn with me :)
  • kadoodle76
    OK I microwave my ice cream so its soupy..I hate hard ice cream..My wife thinks im wierd for this lol..

    Your wife is absolutly right lol
  • maryloo2011
    • eat popcorn by chewing off the kernels and putting the soft parts back in the bowl... and eating them all at once, in the end
    • skin almonds with my teeth and then eat the inside
    • eat the skin off soft pretzels, then eat the inside (soft parts) all at once
    • if nibbling on certain things I will eat the item so it has no round corners
    • kashi cereal that has more than one shaped kernal (go lean or cruch i think?), I'll eat all of the same kernels first. all long / all square / etc.

    much more. I don't know where the hell I got this from but have been doing it my whole life....people hate eating popcorn with me :)

    LOL - sounds like we'd be great at splitting popcorn at the movies if it wasn't so gross and regurgitated!
    I actually do all of those things except I only eat the soft part of popcorn and toss the rest back in the bag.

    *wow I suck at "quote" here, hehe...
  • kadoodle76
    When I eat pancakes or french fries or whatever I like to dip my food into the condiment I hate it when people drown their food with ketchup or syrup whatever. And my friends think I'm strange I eat pizza with a fork and knife.

    I make fun of people like you :laugh:
  • maryloo2011
    OK I microwave my ice cream so its soupy..I hate hard ice cream..My wife thinks im wierd for this lol..

    Your wife is absolutly right lol

    OMG - reminds me, and I know I got this from my dad... though I haven't had this since I was in high school...

    vanilla ice cream + kool aide powder + 30-sec zap in the microwave.
  • kadoodle76
    • eat popcorn by chewing off the kernels and putting the soft parts back in the bowl... and eating them all at once, in the end
    • skin almonds with my teeth and then eat the inside
    • eat the skin off soft pretzels, then eat the inside (soft parts) all at once
    • if nibbling on certain things I will eat the item so it has no round corners
    • kashi cereal that has more than one shaped kernal (go lean or cruch i think?), I'll eat all of the same kernels first. all long / all square / etc.

    much more. I don't know where the hell I got this from but have been doing it my whole life....people hate eating popcorn with me :)

    LOL - sounds like we'd be great at splitting popcorn at the movies if it wasn't so gross and regurgitated!
    I actually do all of those things except I only eat the soft part of popcorn and toss the rest back in the bag.

    *wow I suck at "quote" here, hehe...

    lol true
  • kadoodle76
    When I eat grilled cheese, I eat the crust first, then the browned parts and the cheese last and that cheese must be folded up repeatedly til it won't fold anymore.

    and sketti-o's must be skewered on the tines of my fork

    p.s. pretzal sticks are best dipped in pepsi. the end