5"3 estimated BMI of 29.

Hi my names Ali :) I am very bubbly and very easy to talk to... Or so I have been told :)
I am 11st 10lbs, I am currently a student, I do video and film production, i'm 20 years old, in my freshman year. I have decided upon a career choice, and I want to be a RAF photographer, and obviously I need to be physically fit for this. I am aiming to get down to 9st 10lbs.
I have a goal set for 13th December to lose 3 - 4lbs, i'm estimating at 1lb a week loss.
I have a new schedule for exercise which works around my uni schedule. I am also used to intense extreme exercise, I used to have a taekwondo instructor that was also a police officer and I used to do 3 hours SOLID tuesday and thursdays (6hours a week) taekwondo. I did my workout the other day which consists of:
10minutes stretching
100 crunches
100 lunges
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 leg raises
light weights (3kg each) I variate the weight on my arms and do different things with them so it works all muscles in my arms
And this takes me about 50minutes to 1hr 10, depending on the pace I go at.
Intend to do this on saturdays, tuesday and thursday. I am going to swim on wednesdays and walk around my local park on sundays. I am also calorie controlling of 1500 a day, which I am getting on target or slightly about say about 1700calories, but with the amount of exercise I intend to do I think that is about right, 5 days out of 7 and 2 of the days its less intense exercise intended to ease my muscles a bit but also burn some calories.

Also I find that this workout really is tightening the skin on my flabby thighs already. Also in january I am joining my university gym and i intend to start running as I know RAF has a minimum limit time for you to run 1.5miles.

Anyway thats me :) xxx


  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Good luck, Id die if I did that all back to back!
  • alininja1991
    alininja1991 Posts: 60 Member
    haha thanks, well to be honest when I tell people my weight they think WHAT? NO? because im not big i'm just heavy, I have huge muscles, which is why im trying to tone to my skin, fat loss, my muscles aren't as big as you may think im making out, but a lot bigger than somebody at my weight. Like my arms have a bit of definition and when people feel the tensed muscles on my biceps they are really surprised. I'm sorta build for exercise, I just have fat layering the muscle which needs to GO. AND It will, by the time I go to download festival 2012 i hope to be 10stone or less hopefully 9st 8lbs or so
  • alininja1991
    alininja1991 Posts: 60 Member
    Anybody else who is the same as me at all?