Rude people...a rant...



  • AllieD
    AllieD Posts: 35
    I hear ya. I'm am by no means the skinny but I hate when heavy people who have lost a few pounds but are still heavy judge other people for their weight. My dad and my best friends mom think because they have each lost at least 20 pounds, which is barely a dent in what they use to weight, they have the right to criticize other peoples weight and can call them fat. It makes me soo mad to.
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    I don;t know who said this originally but a man at the company I work with said this

    "Don't be jealouse of what i reap if you are not willing to sow what i sow"
  • weesel80
    weesel80 Posts: 186
    I sometimes get that from people who say, "Yes, you have lost a lot of weight, but you are not doing it healthy." (Because I tell them I only eat 1200-1400 calories a day). I reply back, "Yes, but I am the healthiest right now that I have ever been in my life." This pretty much shuts them up. How is someone going to reply to that? What could they possibly say??:laugh:

    Good luck and just keep at what YOU know is working for you.

  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    Since when were you on a diet? This isn't a diet its a lifestyle change its about everything in moderation. Thats why your suceeding and she's failing oh well just laugh as her booty keeps getting bigger and bigger as yours keeps shrinking! :devil:
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    I don;t know who said this originally but a man at the company I work with said this

    "Don't be jealouse of what i reap if you are not willing to sow what i sow"

    I LOVE that!!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I think it is the people who truly get that you CAN eat anything, just sensibly that are successful with weight-loss forever.

    You get over your fear of food and your entire way of thinking about things change and it just makes sense and that is when this becomes a new lifestyle.

    It is those people who still have a fear of food and don't trust themselves that will ridicule those who understand and who are succeeding.

    Don't ever let it get you down. Just keep doing what you're doing. and when she see's you continuing to lose weight and living a healthy life even with that burger and fries, YOU will have the last laugh! :wink:
  • JasiBella
    JasiBella Posts: 1,168
    you could of said "Yeah you didn't know about the burger and fries diet thats how I dropped all my weight you should try it"
    LMAO!!!!:devil: :laugh:
  • jennlos
    jennlos Posts: 200
    I agree with everyone else she is jealous the fact that you are having success on your weight loss journey, on your own no gimmicks just the good ol fashion hard work way. She is jealous that she doesn't have it in her to do that she needs to have a gimmick to buy into for her to even feel like she can do it. People like that can never look at their own ways but when they look at others can be soo damn judgemental. Don't let what she says or does get you down, just smile and nod and keep doing what you are doing and she will be wishing she was like you.
  • MattySparky
    A classic case of "I cant succeed at what Im doing because I dont know what Im doing so Ill make myself feel better by trying to bring others down with me"... Let me guess, she's probably on a different "diet" every other week or so. She sounds to me like she isn't willing to actually bear down and have the drive and/or patience to give any of these so called diets a chance to work. Next time you should tell her to shut the f*&% up and mind her own business, that one always makes me feel better. Good for you for not falling for her crap.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Misery loves company and she sounds miserable.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I woulda said what you thought and added a when your done prying your head outa your *kitten* trying to find your next diet plan......anyway you get my picture. Don't worry about it, she is not in your kitchen while your eating well, and she has her own success to worry about, your just fine..........but next time, give it to her......

  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member

    You get over your fear of food and your entire way of thinking about things change and it just makes sense and that is when this becomes a new lifestyle.

    Amen! I hope you put that in the book you're writing.:smile:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    what you should do is tell her "your proctologist called... they found your head!!!"