has anyone done a juice fast???

hi everyone,

i was thinking about doing a juice fast and was wondering if anyone has done this. i just want to know what to expect. and if you have done a juice fast how long did you do it for. i would greatly apprieciate any info on this.

thank you, andrea
ps friend me if you want:flowerforyou:


  • Skeith5
    Skeith5 Posts: 89 Member
    I did a 24 hour one and felt like crap. I watched the fat, sick, and nearly dead documentary and the one thing Joe doesn't mention is that he lost a 1/3 of the weight in muscle. BAD! I enjoy juicing and do several meals a week in juice but I don't buy into the juice fast for a long period of time as a healthy option. I've also read studies that indicate you flush out toxins pretty quickly and long term flushes don't do much.

  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    I did it for 2 weeks.. I did lose weight on it.. but the first few days ohh gosh my head killed me I was so tired.. surprisingly I wasn't hungry.. I played around with ingredients.. I felt very good once my body detoxed.. but its kinda expensive is the down fall... I do plan on doing it again soon :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    my cousins did for 30 days. they lost crazy weight, some hair, their skin looked horrible, were constantly crabby, and gained it all back the second they started back on solid food.

  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Am I missing something here? Not to be negative, but we have a liver to detoxify us and kidneys to filter our blood...... Each to their own, I guess.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I did a week long juice fast to cleanse, not lose weight. I lost about 10 pounds and managed to keep 7 of it off.

    Beware, you might gain back the weight when you go back to solids. Also, your attitude changes without food. ._.
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    i did the lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper powder than laxative cleanse for 7 days. i lost 14lbs but gained right back cuz loss was mostly water. day 1-3 was real tough, by the day 6-7 you feel calm and senses are heightened, low energy but no longer hungry. weird feeling...:glasses:
  • mutt12345
    dont do any fasts
  • sally125
    sally125 Posts: 40 Member
    I don't think fasting is a good idea but juicing can be a great way to up your veggie and fruit intake. A couple of mornings a week I make a smoothie with protein powder two servings of fruit and two veggies usually spinach and it is tasty. It is nice have two servings of veggies in before 9 am.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    I've done a few short ones and a 30 day one once. I didn't plan on doing it that long, but I felt great and wasn't graving solid foods. The first three days are the hardest. It gets easier if you can ake it oast three days. You can do a juice fast in a healthy manner, HOWEVER... Your reasoning will be the key for your motivation. Why do you want to do it? You will have to make sure you get a balance of fruit and veggies. People tend to drink more fruit juice and not enough veggies because it tastes better. Also, the danger with juice fast is coming off of it. The length of the fast, will determine how long you take to come off. Solid foods should be introduced slowly as well as the increase in calories. You will likely consume less calories while on the fast, getting your body used to sustaining itself on low calories. Unless you plan to maintain a low calorie lifestyle, going back to consuming your previous calories will likely result in weight gain.

    I would not reccomended doing a juice fast simply as aweight loss tool. The other danger is once you come off the fast and reintroduce bad food choices, you are likely to binge on all of the things you have been avoiding. It has to be a part of a lifestyle change, and should be entered into slowly and carefully. If you still plan on doing, start by eliminating refined foods, then eliminating animal based foods, then begin the fast. You must take the same care and plan coming off of it. If you are trying o detox or jump start weight loss, I recommend doing a slow detox by consuming mosly raw fruits and veggies. Look into a book called Eat to live by Dr. Fuhrman.

    If you still want to do the juice fast, do your research and make sure you understand what to expect in the process. Don't sabotage yourself. Check out the website: www.freedomyou.com

    Good books are also, Juice Fasting and Detoxiication by Steve Meyerwitz and Juicing for Life by Cherie Calbom. I am sure there are other great resources, but these are the ones I am familiar with.
  • Gamergl
    Gamergl Posts: 58 Member
    My husband and I did the Lemonade Diet (lemons, maple syrup and cayenne), he lost 14lbs and I lost 8lbs. We lasted the entire 10 days and followed it to a 'T'. We weren't hungry, but didn't have a lot of energy to do anything. I went to bootcamp classes twice and was pretty much wiped out - not to mention I got dizzy spells during class, something which never happened as I was in pretty good shape a year ago (when we decided to do this thing).

    I don't know if the cleansing part helped us or not as I didn't feel any differently and I don't think I would recommend it to anyone. I'm pretty sure I'll never do it again. I wasn't really in it for the 'cleanse' part anyway, I was strictly in it to start my weight loss - and that backfired, cuz after I put the weight back on that depressed me, so I packed on about 5 more on top of that :(
  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
  • karots
    You are not missing anything. Detoxing out bodies occurs round the clock, only people with something wrong with their systems need to "detox" and then only under supervision of a doctor. There is no scientific research that tells us that juice fasting "detox" us at all. There is however quite a lot of supplement websites that would want you to believe otherwise.
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    i did the lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper powder then laxative cleanse for 7 days. i lost 14lbs but gained right back cuz loss was mostly water. day 1-3 was real tough, by the day 6-7 you feel calm and senses are heightened, low energy but no longer hungry. weird feeling...:glasses:

    oh, forgot to add, the last 24hrs i drank magnesium laxative w/ olive oil. this made me pass dozen pellet sized (looks like pistachios) in my stool. this was supposed to be the toxins from my colon. sorry for tmi. :embarassed:
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    I agree its not for everyone.. my doctor recommended it because I get extreme migraines.. mine wasn't just lemon juice etc.. its was vegetable base.. kale, carrots spinach peppers dandelion, greens etc.. with an apple an some berries thrown in.. my migraines stopped I did lose some weight and I felt amazing.. I must add I have no gall bladder and vegetables hurt so bad to eat.. then within mins I have to run to the potty but by juicing my body absorbed it and I had no tummy issues.. it will be different for each person... no one gets the same results.. but this made me feel healthier than I have been in prob 18 years..... just wished I could afford it..LOL best wishes to you.. and please feel free to add me! Hugs
  • caison
    Juice fasts can be healthy if done right, but any more than 10 days or so is pointless and can start to get unhealthy. I generally recommend between 5-8 days. The first 2-3 you usually feel like crap, and then you start getting the energy and feeling well.
  • Bungee_tyme
    Hey DiddleDiddle I agree with you. I saw a show with Dr.Joel Fuhrman and it got my attention. I did a web search for him and found Fat,Sick & Nearly Dead. I got Netflix to watch that on October 3rd. The next day was the first of a 10 day fast.I lost 22 pounds and felt great. By that time I had read Eat To Live and started eating vegan for health. By the end of the month instead of gaining it back I had lost another 3 pounds. I decided to try a 60 day juice fast starting on November 1st. Today is day 19. Sofar, so good. I've lost 22 pounds as of this morning for a total of 47 since Oct 4th (46 days) I had been having chest pains, my feet were aching so bad I could barely walk and I was wondering whether I was going to wake up the next morning, every night. Also, my blood sugar was riding about 200 on a 12 hour fast. By the end of the 10 days my blood sugar was about 110, no mre chest pains, and my feet felt better. (not great, but better) I have not been able to "RUN" for at least 10 years. I tried about 6 years ago and wasnot able to walk for a couple days. Yesterday I hit the wrong button on my treadmill and I was running. It didn't hurt. I kept it up. only for about 6 minutes but today I have suffered no ill effects. My feet feel fine. My skin is softer my varacose veins are not purple and redand they are without pain.
    I am doing this for healing not just the side effect of lost weight. I know if I go back to my old diet, the weight and the health problems will come back. I believe the worst thing you can do to your body would be to do a juice fast then jump back into your old way of eating. Joe and Phil did thier fasts to cure health problems. I am doing the same. Weight loss is a nice side effect, but not the reason to do a fast. Joe Cross does NOT recomend a 60 day juice fast for anyone as a first step. If you want to know my about it go to JOINTHEREBOOT.com and research it yourself. I wish you the best of luck. Steve
  • nkziv
    nkziv Posts: 161 Member
    Am I missing something here? Not to be negative, but we have a liver to detoxify us and kidneys to filter our blood...... Each to their own, I guess.

    This is what I think any time someone mentions "detox." Unless you have OD'd on some toxic drug, you don't need to go to some outside source to detoxify your body. You do that naturally! It is a good way to cut calories, though--that's why people lose weight on these things obviously. But your body is supposed to have food in it... so it's probably not very good for you unless you make the juice drinks pretty substantial/ hearty.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I did it for 2 weeks.. I did lose weight on it.. but the first few days ohh gosh my head killed me I was so tired.. surprisingly I wasn't hungry.. I played around with ingredients.. I felt very good once my body detoxed.. but its kinda expensive is the down fall... I do plan on doing it again soon :)

    Headache and fatigue come from lack of nutrients, they're not "detoxing" symptoms.
  • Bungee_tyme
    I did it for 2 weeks.. I did lose weight on it.. but the first few days ohh gosh my head killed me I was so tired.. surprisingly I wasn't hungry.. I played around with ingredients.. I felt very good once my body detoxed.. but its kinda expensive is the down fall... I do plan on doing it again soon :)

    Headache and fatigue come from lack of nutrients, they're not "detoxing" symptoms.

    asyouseefit what have you detoxed from to know what detoxing symptoms are? If it was from the lack of nutrients you would not get past the symptoms as you do when detoxing from other things like drugs and alcohol. The longer you would go without "food" the worse the headaches would get. But they don't. I had terrible headaches for 3-4 days the first time I juice fasted then they went away. This time I had not built up all the crap in my body, because I had gone mostly vegan, and I had no headaches. Do some research for yourself. I would NOT be juice fasting for weight loss alone. If you don't have health problems that warant it, then just cut out the sugar and processed foods and you are bound to lose weight.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm not yet convinced that juice fasting offers any benefits beyond the temporary weight loss and ridiculous calorie deficit.

    Seems silly to me, IMO.

    EDIT: I do have a friend who will do juice fasts for spiritual reasons. My comments exclude that entirely.