Renewed motivation

Hello all! I wrote here on the message boards about a week ago about my struggle with falling off the wagon for the past 4-5 months and not having the motivation I once had. I tried unsuccessfully many times within those months to get back on track, only to give up a few days later. Eating whatever I wanted just seemed so much more fun. And so much easier! I felt like I just couldn't do it. I had gained back about 6 lbs of all the weight I had lost before, and I was depressed about it. I also wasn't anywhere near the weight I wanted to be. But it never seemed to be enough to push my butt into gear. I didn't feel I had the energy to start this weight-loss journey again.

Then something happened. I'm not sure exactly what, but I will say a large part of it was getting back my weight loss partner. We agreed to keep each other accountable. We even set up a mini competition for the rest of the year to see who can lose the most. We shop for and cook healthy foods. We talk constantly about our goals and our struggles. And I realized my motivation was back. I was again EXCITED about eating better, taking walks and having a "weigh in" day every week. I was no longer avoiding my scale! I was also no longer ashamed of my daily habits, because I had improved them.

This journey is definitely a hard one. I don't think anyone will say differently. It becomes infinitely harder if you're going it alone. We all need support and guidance and even some friendly competition. MFP is so great in that it provides a community for all of us travelers. I just wanted to come on here and say i'm appreciative of each and every one of you for being here day after day. I'm appreciative of your triumphs and struggles, your honesty and weakness. So, thank you, all of you. I am also always looking for more friends to share, motivate and celebrate with :)


  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    I have made some great friends here who have helped ot motivate me! Feel free to add me!