
I usually make myself dinner early and my husband works late so he ends up reheating a lot. what are some easy healthy things i can make and then just heat up for him later that will still taste good!


  • Kyliechristie
    Slow cookers are great for healthy meals that you don't even need to reheat. I just keep mine on the "keep warm" setting until everyone has eaten. Lots of soups if it is cold in your part of the world at the moment. If not I would just be making lots of yummy salads full of vegies and a good surce of protein and just keep it in the fridge without dressing.
  • cpotter4
    cpotter4 Posts: 116 Member
    Dido on the slow cookers. You can put chicken in with low fat italian dressing and let it cook on low all day while at work. This is really good with some steamed fresh green beans. McCormick has a seasoning packet for slow cooker beef stew and on the back has how to make beef stew. I have put this into the MFP recipe thingy and it comes out low for calories. Eating 2 cups of it is very filling and the same (or lower) than Light Progresso Soups.