Anyone else feel worse since starting this?



  • kari1740
    kari1740 Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you to everyone! All of your comments have given me lots to think about and have helped at least for today haha :)
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    When you step back and look at the big picture of how far you have to go, it can definitely be discouraging, so I quit doing that. I take it a day at a time (sometimes an hour at a time.) I stick to reasonable workouts that fit with my life. Yeah, it's not fun to be consumed with every little calorie you're eating, and making sure you get the exercise, but there is a way to turn it into a positive force in your life.

    Here is how I do it...I started with accepting myself as 'okay' the way I am. Not in a way that leads to complacency, but rather acknowledging that WHO I am does not change with my weight, and who I am TODAY is a worthy individual. With that foundation, I make a point to celebrate every success. Every fantastic, healthy meal that is fueling and healing my body. Every day I hit my calorie goal. Bonus celebrations if I'm on target with my macro-nutrients (carbs/protein/fat ratio) High fives with myself if I hit my micro-nutrients (sodium, potassium, calcium, fiber etc.) By celebrations, I'm mostly just talking about positive affirmation kind of stuff, but that, combined with the encouragement and reinforcing support from my MFP friends reminds me every single day that I CAN DO THIS. It's almost like a game really, to see how close I can get to my targets each day. It's fun!

    I also take note of how I feel, which is better and better all the time. I celebrate the NSVs and the SVs. I reward myself with something I want (or need) with every five-pound milestone. A beautiful new scarf or a nice, warm hat, new walking shoes, a new pair of earrings etc. These little 'trophies' remind me every day of my progress and success. I also make it a point to try new foods and make sure I get a wide variety of foods - it keeps me from getting bored.

    It is a very powerful - almost intoxicating - thing to find validation in myself, and not need outside validation. You see, I know if I'm rocking it - it's great to get the Kudos, but I KNOW before anyone says a word. And when you can look at yourself in the mirror and honestly say that today you did well...your confidence is going to find you again.

    Stick with it - once it becomes habit, it gets a lot easier. And good luck. You are gorgeous, by the way. And if I can do it, anyone can.