Curves Circuit Training


Any one doing Curves Circuit Training?

Do you feel like its helping?

I was thinking of going as a jump step to getting fit...


  • everydaypam
    everydaypam Posts: 93 Member
    I did Curves for about 2 years. It was a great way to get into the gym scene without feeling overwhelmed. I lost about 10 pounds when I was going regularly and sort of watching what I ate. I definitely felt better and put on a good bit of muscle. I especially loved the community that forms since the gyms are small and they really do notice when you aren't there. It keeps you honest about your gym schedule.

    However, after a while my body got used to the exercises and even pushing myself through tough workouts I wasn't noticing any additional improvements. That combined with the boredom of doing the same circuit 3-5 times a week for two years enticed me to switch to a bigger gym.

    I think it is a great program and a wonderful starting point for a gym. You can get a trial membership at most Curves so if you are thinking about it I would definitely recommend going in and talking to them about a trial to see if it would be a good fit for you.
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member

    Any one doing Curves Circuit Training?

    Do you feel like its helping?

    I was thinking of going as a jump step to getting fit...

    It did help me as the main think that stopped me going to the gym was fear. Fear of being looked at, fear of being fat, fear of being slow, fear of everything.

    Curves felt warm, welcoming and not intimidating.