I need some help putting together a plan/routine

My exercise is kind of all over the places, so sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't! I would really like to have plan that I can stick with! I'm looking more along the lines of cardio some days, and strength training other days. Here is the things I have to implement in a program: Wii Fit Plus, Elliptical, 2) 20 pound weights that I can remove weight from, 2) 2 pound wrist weights. How often should I do each? Time? If you know of any sites to direct me to, that would be great! Thanks!


  • newarkco05
    Anyone have any suggestions?
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Wii fit plus monday, tuesday + wednesday for 30-40 minutes - monday do yoga, tuesday do muscle excercise, wednesday - the aerobics (step aerobics, jogging and hula hooping).

    thursday, friday + saturday do 30 minutes on the Elliptical.

    and with the wrist weights, when your watching tv in the morning/at night, strap them on your wrists and move your arms up and down, or do windmill motions etc etc.

    hope this helped :)
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Here's a suggestion of what I've done to lose weight. I actually make sure that I sign up for about 7 challenges every month. The challenges are starting all the time (there's a Valentine's Day challenge that starts tomorrow). The challenges are daily mini challenges, 1 month short term challenges, and 3 month longer challenges. Seven challenges or more works out for me in case someone stops their challenge. This gives me different things to focus on. For example, because of the challenges that I'm in, some of this week's goals are to do 20 miles of cardio and 25,000 Just Dance points. For today only, I'm going to focus on 100 situps and 80 oz of water.

    One thing's for sure, it changes your routine, keeps you accountable & focussed to your different groups AND insures that you sign in to MFP daily so that you can get a challenge and/or give feedback/results to the challenges that you're in.

    Hope this works for you too. Here's to seeing less of you in the future.....