Diet Coke



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm never going to give up my diet sodas, but I typically only drink them in the morning now for my caffeine fix. The rest of the day, it's water with dilute Crystal Light. And water with lemon when I go out to restaurants because I'm extremely thrifty and it pains me to spend as much on one glass of soda as it would a 12 pack of cans or two 2 liter bottles.
  • mrsgolfie
    mrsgolfie Posts: 42 Member
    I will drink diet coke in the evening for my treat or when others are having wine...I saw on tv it spikes your insulin which isn't good; so am planning on trying to even stop having it. I plan it ,but I think I have to go "one step at a time".
    I also was drinking my decaf coffee with a little equal in it, and have basically cut that almost out. Was putting a half a pac in and then cut it down to just a little; and this morning I had my coffee with just my almond I'm pretty happy about that.
    Think it's better to drink diet coke then wine, or regular pop so don't beat yourself up on it. Just try cutting it back and then eventually think you will find you won't even want it...
    I find that is what happened with wine for me....On Friday evening I planned on giving myself a treat of l/2 bottle of my Shiarz wine I like with my hubby having the other half...Well I had one glass and didn't want any So it's just training to our
    Good luck to you!
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    I went cold turkey after having strep throat and being unable to drink anything but water for over a week. If that hadn't happened I'm not sure I could have done it. Good luck!!
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i consume a lot of caffeine free diet. other than the heartburn, i don't believe that it's the horror that a lot of natural blogs seem to promote it as being.

    it's diet soda. if that's your worst vice, then you're doing pretty well, in my humble opinion.
  • nanegan
    nanegan Posts: 39 Member
    I am also an addict & don't plan on giving it up. I am old enough to have started drinking Diet Coke when it first came out and drink a 6 pack a day. I have also had my bone density scan done & I am above normal. Kind of blows that theory, huh? Yes, I do have indigestion but that seems to be directly rated to monthly hormonal changes!

    It doesn't make me hungry or crave sugar. And I have been losing steady with a cheat day weekly. But, we all have plateaus.

    Just my .02 cents worth.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I was a complete slave to diet coke and went off it cold turkey a month a go. I drink coffee in the morning to get my caffeine and water the rest of the day. Once I made up my mind, giving it up wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Based on my other attempts to quit, I know that I'm like an sip and I'll jump right back into drinking it 24/7. Some days I still really want one but I survive without it.

    My stomach is flatter than it's ever been and I'm about to finally drop a jeans size. That's incentive enough for me!
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I don't think it is a reason you're not losing. Diet soda, while not the best for you, has 0 calories and only a small amount of sodium, so it's not really going to impact your weight loss.

    I drink about 40oz of Diet Pepsi a day & have no plans to give it up:)
  • alz6690
    Although it's diet coke it's still not good for weight loss, though it is the lesser of 2 evils. My trainer told me that although it has no sugar it has a whole load of chemicals which are no good for your body. The sweetners are in some ways more damaging than sugar itself. He made me give it up cold turkey! I'd be lying if I said it was easy, and the first week or so was pretty tough but I gave it up and no longer drink it.

    My advice on giving it up would be to wean yourself off as it will probably be easier. You may well get withdrawl because of the caffiene really depends on how much you drink. But stick with it.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I don't think it is a reason you're not losing. Diet soda, while not the best for you, has 0 calories and only a small amount of sodium, so it's not really going to impact your weight loss.

    I drink about 40oz of Diet Pepsi a day & have no plans to give it up:)

    This pretty much sums up my opinion as well. Except I drink Coke Zero. Pepsi is nasty. :wink:
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Years of working the Night Shift turned me into a Diet Coke addict of the worst kind... and I'm happy to say I no longer drink the stuff. I also never order a beverage other than water at a restaurant, and the same goes for my whole family - some places charge up to $2.99/drink, so for a family of 4 that's $12 bucks, before tax and tip! Great savings!

    When I decided to get off the Diet Coke, I also felt the need to increase my WATER intake. I know there are differing opinions on exactly how much water you should drink. All I can say is that, for ME, when I do get in 8-10 glasses a day, I lose weight consistently. If I don't drink much water (even though I'm eating well), I just don't lose the weight. So for me, I go for 8-10 glasses of water a day, plus I drink a lot of green tea, hot and iced.

    To help get some water servings in, here's what I do in the afternoon-evenings when I'm home:

    Fill a PRETTY cup or glass with ice. I usually use a tall, 16 oz glass, but sometimes I drink this beverage out of a water goblet or wine glass - makes me feel so special, lol!

    Sprinkle 1 packet Stevia-In-The-Raw over the ice.

    Squirt juice of half a lime over the ice.

    CAREFULLY pour plain Selzer water over the ice. (The Stevia makes it fizzle and foam a bit so be careful!)

    It tastes nearly like a soda, like Sprite, but it's just water and so yummy! Sometimes I do a quarter EACH of a lemon AND a lime. Really refreshing when the weather is hot too, I can gulp down 2 tall glasses easily, and the glasses are 16 oz so count for 2 glasses of water each.

    I get the Selzer water at Walmart - for a one liter bottle, their cheapest brand costs 64 cents where I live.

    Good luck getting off the Diet Coke, and try to get that water in! Here's your 8 glasses for today...

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    I went from regular soda, to diet soda, only because of the calories...then I realized I needed more water and wanted to get rid of the diet soda because of the aspartame. First thing I did was stop buying it to bring home and only drank it when I was at a restaurant, at home I drank only bottled water (tap water makes me gag) with my meals, putting it in a glass with ice helped too, and then I found an alternative to the soda when a craving really hit (Arizona diet green tea w/ ginseng) which it didn't get rid of all the artificial sweetners but eventually I found myself craving water more and more. Water is my main drink, green tea I buy a bottle once or twice a month, and soda is a rare treat when I eat out ( but not all the time)! I think an occasional soda is fine as long as it is not your main source of hydration, we need water, our cells need it! Start small if you must, try replacing 16 oz of soda with 16 oz of water. It took me about a year of slow weaning but I am so glad I made the switch and besides a coke zero tastes even better now when treat myself occasionally! You can do it!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    In January 2010, when my husband and I started our weight loss journey, we were diet soda junkies. I'd buy a few cases a week, in addition to all of the fountain drinks.

    Husband started at 270, I was at 248. When we started the journey we both agreed to eliminate the diet soda and go for water instead. In the past, I had trouble losing weight - I'd exercise and watched what I ate, but always had my diet soda with me. He was the same.

    A little into the process, DH is ready to break 260, and when he did, he told me "well, I guess this is the lowest I'll get". Because that was always the lowest he would be able to get. I called shenanigans on it and told him to keep going because we were both doing the right things. In August, DH got under 200. I had gotten down to 207 in June, but got pregnant so my journey has been delayed.

    Yes, the caffeine withdrawal headaches are horrible, and we kept advil on hand to help with the headaches (and dealt with the crankiness). After a few days, the headaches were gone. We replaced our soda with crystal light packets and even *gasp* water!

    Today, we have reintroduced diet soda back in our lives, but on a much smaller scale and always 1 from the fountain (although not every day). If I treat myself to a fountain soda, I won't do it until I finish off 32 oz of water for the day (and then drink an extra 32 oz of water before the end of the day). I'll have the drink packets once in awhile, but have found that water is really my friend these days.

    So, make soda a treat. But first, kick the habit. :) It's not easy but definitely doable.