When family shouldn't be together.. fun holiday mishalps!



  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Well I don't go on holiday with my family anymore....

    But once we all went to Florida, in 2002, July time I think, we had rented a villa for the whole family, seven of us, and hired a car, mu Husband at the time had never been to the States before and so not driven on the wrong side of the road, we had directions to the villa from the airport, unfortunately the car hire place was not AT the airport....and we had all sorts od trouble with the car hire firm, who were rubbish really and by the time we left it was quite late, we had already been up for 24 hours, were very hungry and had to try and find the villa...we drove for MILES...it got dark...we were all SO tired and hungry, the children were crying saying they hated America and wanted to go home....EVENTUALLY after we HAD to stop as we had run out of petrol we asked the man in the petrol station if he would help us, he said he would for $100 cash...but we were desperate and so we agreed, he got into an old tow truck thingy and we followed him, he took us along more and more quiet and desolate roads, my Mum became convinced he was going to stop the truck, come back with a gun and kill and rob us, the children became hysterical saying they wanted to go home, that we were all going to be murdered, I was crying...my Husband and Father both shouting...it was vile. We suddenly turned into a road with houses, and the truck pulled over and the man got out, pointed to place and said there you go....

    He had taken us right to it, without shooting or robbing us...well only for the $100...
  • thunt1990
    thunt1990 Posts: 157 Member
    One year (i cant remember if it was easter christmas or thanksgiving) my grandma spilled the turkey broth in the bottom of the oven. She was all worried about cleaning it up so while no one was looking she decided to put the oven on self cleaning and smoke started spilling out. I was taking a nap at the time. Everyone ran outside and left me asleep on the sofa. I woke up to the smoke detector going off and smoke everywhere i thought the house was on fire!!! They forgot i was asleep. We still make fun of my grandma for that.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Hahaha....that's too funny! (re - hamsters!)
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Several years ago I had about 25 - 30 people coming to my house for Thanksgiving. I worked the day before so did tons to prep work the night before, got up early on Thanksgiving, got the turkey in the oven and snack trays put together. Everything was going great with one exception. I felt like crap. Turns out, I had food poisoning from something I had eaten from the cafe at work on Wednesday. I ended up falling asleep on the couch with a houseful of guests and didn't finish cooking. Thankfully, my husband, brother and 1 of the guests crammed into my kitchen and finished cooking for me. I was still ticked at myself for getting sick though and not being able to be a proper hostess and complained about it for the rest of the day. Everyone was super nice about it and totally understood but I was the one who was the jerk that complained all day. (Thank goodness for friends and family who understand me!)