Kick the soda addiction?

Any tips out there for kicking the soda addiction? I only drink Coke, I'm not interested in diet sodas.....flavored seltzer just seems TOO carbonated... Water with lots of lemon seems to help a BIT.....but I still have my cravings....


  • Jlynb1109
    Jlynb1109 Posts: 84 Member
    How about Crystal Light? They have some good flavors...
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I was drinking one diet soda a day for a long time. I started making green iced tea and now I drink that instead. I love it. I add some fennel or jasmine or some other flavor green tea as well and it's very tasty. I don't sweeten it. You might give that a try. Green tea is very good for you and helps with weight loss.
  • Figuringoutme
    I like sparkling flavored water. safeway has good ones. Raspberry acai, apple, raspberry blackberry are really good
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    I switched out pop for iced tea. Not as boring as water. But just as many calories.

    I was drinking probably around 75oz of pop a day before that as well.
    Its possible! =]

    I say stick with tea. Its the best for you and no calories or chemicals!!
  • Mercerlove
    Hot about tea? Cold or hot. I love flavored teas! Right now I am loving blueberry green tea! My hubby says it smells just like a fresh baked blueberry muffin!
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    I kicked my using the crystal light flavors and now I'm keeping it gone with those and lots of tea! Although I do still crave and allow myself a soda from time to time
  • Mexrose
    I am not a fan of diet sodas either but I will say the best tasting (similar to the original) diet sodas are Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet 7-up. I use to drink about a can of soda of day and at a sit down meal I could easily have two. I have not touched soda for more than two months now. I drink lots of flavored teas and Crystal Lights. Good Luck!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Stop eating sweets until you get over the sugar cravings. Find something (tea or coffee?) to replace the caffeine.
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    Quit it cold turkey....

    That's what worked for me. I was drinking 2-3/day and like you I had no interest in diet sodas. I would quit and then get terrible caffeine withdrawals and have the worst migraine imaginable so I would go right back to drinking soda. If you get the caffeine withdrawals too, but can make it pass the headaches you will be fine. Just don't get tempted.

    I haven't had a soda in a week and a half.... I know that may not sound like a long time, but for me it is! No cravings past the initial first day either.

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  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I was addicted to the caffeine *bad* before I started trying to lose weight. Like, nothing but diet mt dew all day, every day. If I didn't get enough, I got bad headaches. I actually had no interest in *regular* sodas - too sweet! LOL Back in July when I decided to try to lose weight, I figured it would be a good time to deal with the soda addiction too. I dropped it cold turkey for a month - had headaches for about 4 days. After I got past those 4 days, a couple of other times during the month I got a headache and allowed myself 1 soda since the caffeine helps. So for the whole month I had only 2 sodas. I drank lots of Crystal Light (hate plain water) but I found a different brand that I liked better - the Archer Farms water flavorings at Target - they are sweetened with Stevia and I like the lightness of the flavor much better than Crystal Light. 10 calories per packet. Now I let myself have one or two diet sodas a day, it's my morning caffeine since I don't like coffee much. But most of my fluid intake is now water with the Archer Farms flavoring.
  • NashvilleShelley
    I stopped buying it. Only when I go out to eat I can have one. Eventually I switched to unsweetened tea when out. Now I can't have anything carbonated or it gives me a stomach ache. Lots of water will get rid of the caffeine craving. Good luck! It was hard.
  • fitaliciag
    allowing myself a 20oz once a week seems to work for me. i don't crave it anymore, but when i do, I just force a chug of water. there's no magic tip, you just have to want to quit bad enough :-) good luck
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Quit it cold turkey....

    That's what worked for me. I was drinking 2-3/day and like you I had no interest in diet sodas. I would quit and then get terrible caffeine withdrawals and have the worst migraine imaginable so I would go right back to drinking soda. If you get the caffeine withdrawals too, but can make it pass the headaches you will be fine. Just don't get tempted.

    I haven't had a soda in a week and a half.... I know that may not sound like a long time, but for me it is! No cravings past the initial first day either.

    This! I was only Coke all day. Drank way too much. Now, I only have one if I get a Migraine or sore throat.
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    Any tips out there for kicking the soda addiction? I only drink Coke, I'm not interested in diet sodas....

    There's your key right there.

    TRY to quit cold-turkey, but tell yourself that if you really, REALLY just HAVE to have a soda, you can have a diet soda.

    If you think they're nasty enough, you'll probably go get yourself a glass of water instead. I know when I was addicted to regular soda, the thought of a diet one made me re-think my craving.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I went cold turkey when I found out I had diabetes Dec. 2009. Haven't missed it one bit.
  • arykh24
    I drink the fountain diet pop. It is carbonated water with the pop syrup flavoring. That is how I justify it.....carbonated WATER!!! I didn't lose any more weight NOT drinking pop than I do drinking pop!
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    I gave it up for lent, cold turkey. I didn't suffer with the headaches, but did get a few bouts of anxiety. Now every once and a while I will take a sip of my husband's soda, and its so gross! I only drink water now, and when I go to a restaurant, I'll squeeze some lemon in my water. For me, it worked, and now I don't even miss it!
  • dragonfly1178
    dragonfly1178 Posts: 55 Member
    When I kicked the soda addiction I switched to Arizona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng. 0 calories!
  • sara_e_wallace
    I am too trying to Kick this habit - so thank you for this post I needed it on this Monday Morning - I went to the store and bought Pepsi Max and Diet Cherry Pepsi - I am going to try to switch to those - but after reading these posts - I just need to not have any soda at all!!! SIGH:sad:
  • GettingFit4Me2011
    I did it. I swore that I would never go through kicking the caffeine addiction again........which is probably the same as your soda addiction and sugar addiction. I quit Mountain Dew, I am not a big coffee drinker. Mountain Dew was my coffee and drink of choice. I weaned off the sodas in about 2 weeks and had constant headaches.

    You can do it!