On the go!

Im a person that wants things fast. I know losing weight is having the right healthy ingredients. Im starting to skip breakfast or buying unhealthy alternatives.

I need something quick, filling and healthy AND TASTES GOOD! for my breakfast and lunch.

Any suggestions?


  • ImCasual
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    For breakfast I make oatmeal (Quaker has lots of flavors) and a mini sandwich of hummus on a whole-grain thin bun. Takes me about 3 minutes to make and keeps me full til lunch time. Smoothies are another option for breakfast. People on here seem to love them but I haven't had the chance to try them yet.

    For lunch I'll admit that I usually buy a salad, soup or wrap from a cafe on campus. If prep is an issue for you, get stuff together the night before. Veggies can be cut up beforehand, fruit washed, etc.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Scrambled eggs only take a few minutes to make and are good, add some chopped veggies. Oatmeal is similarly quick (even quicker if you have a microwave, which I don't), add some chopped fruit and/or nuts. Those are the breakfasts I usually have and I am always running late so they have to be made very quickly.
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm always on the go too and struggle with this problem. I hit the Dunkin' Donuts drive-thru every morning after I drop my kids at school and on the way to work. They have an egg white turkey sausage wrap that is really delicious and only 150 calories. When I eat breakfast at home, I have the Jimmy Dean Omelettes with ham & cheese filling. It is 250 calories for one. Delicious, high in protein, low in carbs, and only $1 each and heats in 2 minutes.
  • janet5432
    janet5432 Posts: 39 Member
    Take 6 eggs (I am going to try egg beaters next time) and beat together. Add veggies of choice (I use peppers/mushrooms). Mix well then fill in mini muffin tin about 2/3-3/4 full). Eat desired amount and put rest in zip lock bag for later use. Then take out and microwave (my microwave is 30 sec).

    I personally like egg beaters (3/4 cup) and I cook that in skillet on med heat. While that is cooking I microwave frozen veggie pepper/onion mix from Kroger. They take about 3 min and I add 1 tsp olive oil sometimes. Then I dump on top of my eggs.
    I sometimes like toast and have the 35 cal multi grain bread with sugar free strawberry jam or Peanut butter.
    Sometimes I core an apple and add peanut butter if I am in a rush.

    At work I have emegrency oatmeal packets. That is if I ran out of time and thinking about going to a fast food place.