Why are diet soft drinks so bad?



  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    What's bad for you may not be bad for another, diet soda has too many mystery ingredients IMO.
    Some people have bad reactions to food coloring, you might not even know it.
    Lately the only time I've had soda is when alcohol is mixed in it.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Not a good argument, in that case everything is mostly water.

    Except things that aren't mostly water...

    In any event, I wasn't making any argument. I was suggesting that implying that diet soda is 90% chemicals is ridiculous. It's either 100% chemicals (because technically water is a chemical) or we recognize that's mostly just plain ol water.

    Whether or not the added chemicals are good or bad for someone is, well...more complex than says "Rawr! Chemicals bad!"

    Point taken, but most of the "additives" in food now a days is not considered safe. I have a book at home about food additives and preservatives, that rank additives, from fine, to avoid at all costs. I would have to check the labels to see where the ones in soda fit, but in general, the less additives the better.
  • mandij86
    mandij86 Posts: 5 Member
    It’s hard to kick the habit of drinking sodas but try your best to cut back. Diet drinks are loaded with chemicals, more noticeably, dyes and sweeteners. Aspartame and Splenda used to sweeten diet foods turn to arsenic and formaldehyde while processing in your body. Scary!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Ok...EVERYTHING is chemicals!!!!!! Haha.....why do people throw that out like it's some "scary" word???
    Thank you!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Read "Skinny B(fill in the blanks)," and you'll discover the answer. Great book about the dangers of what most of us consume on a daily basis, and more of what we should be eating to prevent disease.

    The only safe sweetener is Stevia, or Sugar in the Raw/turbinado sugar. I love me some Splenda, but just because it doesn't have aspartame, doesn't mean it's good for you, either.
    I read that book. It basically just tells you to go vegan.
  • trlyblssd79
    trlyblssd79 Posts: 101 Member
    Not sure but I saw on the Today show a few weeks ago that the artificial sweetners in the diet sodas may interact with your brain and keep you from feeling full causing soda drinkers (diet sodas or regular) to both gain weight.Who knows if they also were doing other unhealthy things along with soda intake to contribute to their weight gain though.

    Diet sodas are also still linked to higher risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

    It took me a while to give up my daily Pepsi and my husband still drinks Diet Pepsi.
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Because anything that is 90% chemicals isn't healthy.
    Spot on! any dietition with your health in mind will tell you that the fake sugars will cause sugar cravings and binging. not to meniton, migranes, loose stool(depending on brand) and many other health issues.

    drink water or caffien free herbal tea which are good warm or cold. if you need a little sweet try steevia or honey(its naturally sweeter than sugar) have tea with cinnamon it is a naturally sweet tasting spice.

    i just gave up all juice and pop and I drink water and decaf green or orange peako tea(sometimes with milk) or herbals I dont miss the pop or juice at all (took me about 21 days to get over it)

    good luck
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Read "Skinny B(fill in the blanks)," and you'll discover the answer. Great book about the dangers of what most of us consume on a daily basis, and more of what we should be eating to prevent disease.

    The only safe sweetener is Stevia, or Sugar in the Raw/turbinado sugar. I love me some Splenda, but just because it doesn't have aspartame, doesn't mean it's good for you, either.
    I read that book. It basically just tells you to go vegan.

    That book was horrible
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I say, everything in moderation.
    Life is too short not to have something you enjoy every once in a while.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    This is a contextual question.

    Water = Diet Soda > Regular Soda.

    "Horrible killer chemical"-wise
    Water > Diet Soda = Regular Soda.

    Sugar causing Diabetese-wise
    Water = Diet Soda > Regular Soda.

    Clean eating-wise
    Water > Diet Soda = Regular Soda (except maybe 7-Up which is all natural and flows freely from 7-up Rivers in the Andes, of course)

    I used to drink one regular soda per day. Now I drink one diet soda per day. Health-wise I have not changed (except that I've lost 50 lbs, but that is not directly related to drinking diet soda. Certainly switching helped but is not the direct cause).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    any dietition with your health in mind will tell you that the fake sugars will cause sugar cravings and binging. not to meniton, migranes, loose stool(depending on brand) and many other health issues.

    Absolultey no so. Most dieticians will tell that artificial sweeteners "can" (not will) cause you to crave more sweets (either real or artificial) and that that some (aspartame, for example) are common migraine triggers. They may also mention other health problem that "could" occur. But there are millions of people who drink diet drinks and experience none of these symptoms.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I say, everything in moderation.
    Life is too short not to have something you enjoy every once in a while.


    I could drive myself absolutely around-the-bend-crazy worrying constantly about every thing. We're all going to die eventually; all you can do is prolong life as much as you can. I'm trying to eat healthier and exercise, but I refuse to drive myself batty in the process! A friend of mine is a registered dietitian, and even she doesn't eat 100% healthy 100% of the time; she allows herself a soda or dessert here or there. She runs marathons and still allows herself treats at times.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Yes. Technically, everything is a chemical compound. That doesn't change the fact that some can kill you and some are extremely toxic/harfmul to our health.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    here is a great chart showing why soda is bad...

    I stopped drinking all forms of soda almost 2 years ago (not to say I gave up caffine - I get that from my morning coffee)

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Yes. Technically, everything is a chemical compound. That doesn't change the fact that some can kill you and some are extremely toxic/harfmul to our health.

    Which artifical sweetners have never been proven to be
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    A LONG time ago, when I was working as a teen (I was 15 at the time), I got the lucky job of cleaning out the soda machines a few times......my best friend and I figured that if the stuff in soda could goop up and do that much damage to a machine, imagine what the hell it could do to your insides....:noway: We both made a pact to give up all soda ~ took up tea and coffee (back before it was oh so fashionable) and water ~ 36 years later, I still won't drink soda (neither will she)!!!!!:sick:

    But I always say to each his/her own ~ I have plenty of my own vices....:wink: Moderation is key to anything!
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I don't think they're "so bad" in the sense that some people imply. But just because they aren't going to kill you or make you gain weight does not mean its "healthy". I love diet sodas, but I don't drink them as part of a healthy diet. I drink them because my will power sucks, and sometimes I need something sweet. Regardless of if they're 90 % or .5 % chemicals, drinking a diet soda is entirely your choice. If you're here to lose weight: go ahead and drink away. If you're here to be healthy: keep the diet drinks to a minimum. Try thinking of them as "treats" to enjoy in moderation rather than "free calories"
  • Bookish_Mama
    Bookish_Mama Posts: 21 Member
    I think that it boils down to the fact that the artificial sweetners used in diet drinks make you crave sweet - sugary things.
    I find the opposite of this to be true. When I drink something that is artificially sweetened, it actually makes me feel nauseous if I eat or drink something sweetened with sugar afterwards.

    I think that part of the reason that people believe that diet drinks are bad for you is that this
    Because the average American doesn't know what moderation is.
    is true.

    All things in moderation, I say.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    It’s hard to kick the habit of drinking sodas but try your best to cut back. Diet drinks are loaded with chemicals, more noticeably, dyes and sweeteners. Aspartame and Splenda used to sweeten diet foods turn to arsenic and formaldehyde while processing in your body. Scary!
    Okay...yet another beautiful example of why it is dangerous to spread around "facts" that aren't really "facts." Knowing only part of the story is dangerous!!

    An absurb example: don't breathe in any air that anyone else has breathed out. It contains the elements to make CARBON MONOXIDE and then you'll DIE.

  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    The only safe sweetener is Stevia

    There are several claims of the potential stevia dangers that one should be aware of. So, is stevia safe for you? If not, what are its effects on the body? Let us find out in detail.

    Dangers of Stevia

    Stevia has been linked to several long term side effects which has made it a reason for controversy and doubt in the recent years. Although it has been used since centuries by the natives, there are several claimed dangers of stevia. The following are some of the claimed dangers or side effects of stevia.

    * Firstly, it is said to be the biggest hindrance in the process of metabolism in the body. Regular consumption of stevia slows down or stops energy metabolism and hence, disrupt the process of conversion of food into energy.

    * Secondly, one of the biggest stevia dangers is its link to cancer. When tested in a laboratory, it was found that stevia was capable of bringing mutations in cell's DNA or the genetic material. This is only a claimed side effect as this effect has not been observed in human beings till date. However, scientists and researchers have still not confirmed whether stevia can cause this
    mutation in human beings or not.

    * Thirdly, difficulties or problems in reproduction is also believed to be one of the stevia side effects. Long term regular consumption of stevia is claimed to affect the male reproduction system, specially leading to a decreased amount of sperm production. When tested on female animal, it was found that stevia led to decreased number of offsprings.

    Safe, huh?