New and hoping to be improved :-)

Hi, this is my 1st time on My Fitness Pal and I must admit my will power hasn't been the best in the past but finally my head is in the right place.

Got about 50 lbs to lose. Anyone got any good tips on staying on track?


  • cologirl0210
    cologirl0210 Posts: 5 Member
    My resolve has failed me in the past as well, I'm hoping that MFP will help break that cycle. I think what would help me the most is having a support group of people that are going through the same thing, pushing me everyday. Perhaps that will help you as well :happy:
  • DDsMrs
    DDsMrs Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome! I'm fairly new to MFP, since August. Something that has helped me stay on track is a list I made a long time ago of the things I hate about being overweight.

    I hate the way my clothes fit me.
    I hate how tired I feel all the time.
    I hate that I have no energy.
    I hate what I see when I look in the mirror.
    I hate that my knees hurt when I walk up even the smallest set of stairs.

    When I read these it reminds me of what I don't want to be, overweight and unhealthy. Maybe if you made a list for yourself it might help? I also log on to MFP everyday to help me be accountable. When I do, I get a lot of inspiration from reading everyone's successes that it keeps me motivated as well. This is a great tool to help you on your weight loss/maintenance journey. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like for some support. I promise to do what I can :smile: