Day 6 and trying...

I started MFP last week because I stepped on the scale and had the realization that I had gained back all 30 of the pounds I had lost last winter. I started searching for the differences and came up with the following:

Last Year at this time / This Year:
Boyfriend: 0 / Boyfriend: 1
Residence: Renting a house / Residence: Owning my 1st house
Eating Habits: Lots of pasta and not much of anything / Eating Habits: Lots of eating out, cooking gourmet foods
Exercise: Lots of Walking, Kayaking, Disc Golf, and Snowshoeing / Excercise: Not as much of everything
Work Life: On my feet most of the day no snacks available / Work Life: Sitting on my duff most of the day, with snacks everywhere.

Most of these changes have been positive but I realize that they have had a profound effect on how I live my daily life. I'm not blaming him but because I have a boyfriend now, we do a lot of eating out rather than me sitting at home making pasta for myself. Even when we cook at home, we make things full of vegetables but they are also full of starches and fats. The snacking at work is probably the biggest change. There is always food around...everywhere! Today there is a Packer/Viking game and there are cupcakes, we just had Halloween with trick-or-treating for employee's kids and there is still candy running rampant!
I have discovered a lack of self-restraint to take part in these things. I can't help it, I want to be part of the fun work atmosphere.

I suppose the first step is being aware of what you're doing, and I am definately now aware of the foods I am eating and how much of them I'm eating. But how do I curb the snacking? I've tried to ignore it and drink water instead but sometimes, I can't ignore it and then I over indulge. Help!?!

On a side note: the radio station that is piped through the speakers in my office building has switched over to Christmas music...already! Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas but it's not even Thanksgiving yet, what gives?!


  • kaitthegr8t
    kaitthegr8t Posts: 28 Member
    Same here... When I bought my house, I packed on the pounds. I just loved being there so much that I stopped go out (including exercising). Don't even get me started on boyfriend weight! Hopefully you can get him involved in your lifestyle change. Best of luck to you on your journey :)
  • sheilalechner
    I think you are right - self awareness is 1/2 the battle. You definately know what to work on. For the work snacks - just surround yourself with snacks that won't de-rail you. Pretzels for the salty cravings, hard candy or gum for the sweet cravings... :smile:
  • trazrene
    I guess I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. My former work place was very stressful, most of the time I didn't get any breaks. So by the time I finished a 10-12 hour day, I could eat a side of beef and I was too tired to move any. I had gained 40 lbs in 2 years(on top of not losing all the post-baby fat) and nothing I did could make me lose it. The kicker for me was sitting in church on a Sunday morning and feeling so uncomfortable. I felt my pantyhose cutting me in two. I had to go thru' most of my wardrobe to find something that fit, that didn't make me look huge. I came home and looked thru food diary sites. I thought if I could get a plan easy enough, I might be able to stick to it. I left working about 2 months ago, joined MFP about 3 weeks ago and have lost almost 5 lbs. I make sure I chart everything and it has become more of a challenge to myself. I try to outdo the previous day or previous week. No, the weight is not falling off right and left, but the inches are. I see the change in myself and that is good enough for me. I kinda like the fact that winter is coming. I can hide my weight-loss under sweaters. Then in the spring I can emerge like a butterfly with my improved body and wow everyone else. I have fallen in love w/MFP. The support is fantastic. I go thru' before/after pics of other members just to continue motivating myself. One of these days.... that will be me!
  • Calorie_Killa
    Ok I thought it was just me that gained weight when I bought my house. My kitchen happens to be my favorite room in my house so I spent a lot of time there making some really yummy and fattening food. Everything was fried, starchy and included cheese lol. I think I was very happy and comfortable to be in MY own place that I spent a lot of time on the couch with comfort foods and junk. Six months later I looked up and my weight was out of control but it still took me 2 more months to kick myself in the butt to do something. Now I still spend a lot of time in the kitchen but it's making healthier foods.
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Thanks for all the encouraging words. I know people say this all the time and I never really believed it before but it really does help to know that I'm not alone and that other are working through the same situations. I love being able to bounce ideas off of other people.