MFP Sugar limit?

1 apple and 1 banana and I'm already -4 over my sugar limit. (I have the 1200kcal limit), is this really correct??


  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Stop tracking sugar. MFP does not distinguish between fruit sugar and other sugars. Fruit is good for you, so eat up! :smile:
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I go over all the time. SOmetimes from fruit and sometimes from other junk I eat. I just try not to look a tthat one....
  • I agree! I track my calcium instead.
  • I took sugar off mine too! Unless you have a reason to track sugar (diabetes) then track sodium or something. : )
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It's lower than it should be. I usually ignore any sugar that comes from fruit or milk and only focus on the added sugars. I try to keep added sugars at about half or less than the MFP recommendation. I do make sure that I'm generally not going crazy with fruit though. Two servings is about all you need in a day, the rest of your fruit and vegetable servings should come from vegetables.
  • I'm with them. If you don't have to worry about your blood sugar levels, i wouldn't fret about it too much. However, the more you work out, the more sugar it allows you.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You've been here 5 months, and you've never seen this topic raised before?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You've been here 5 months, and you've never seen this topic raised before?

    Maybe she only just started tracking sugar. I know I didn't track it until I'd been here for a few months.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You've been here 5 months, and you've never seen this topic raised before?

    Maybe she only just started tracking sugar. I know I didn't track it until I'd been here for a few months.

    My point was surely with the amount of threads made for this exact topic on a daily basis, how could anyone not notice them?!
  • You've been here 5 months, and you've never seen this topic raised before?

    Maybe she only just started tracking sugar. I know I didn't track it until I'd been here for a few months.

    My point was surely with the amount of threads made for this exact topic on a daily basis, how could anyone not notice them?!

    I haven't been following the topics that closely, and no I haven't seen it before. Hence why I'm asking.Why would I take time out of my life to post a topic about something I already know.. :huh: I assume I'm allowed to ask fellow MFPers. Sorry if it bothers you..

    Thanks to all the answers! I'm going to ignore it from now on! :smile:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You've been here 5 months, and you've never seen this topic raised before?

    Maybe she only just started tracking sugar. I know I didn't track it until I'd been here for a few months.

    My point was surely with the amount of threads made for this exact topic on a daily basis, how could anyone not notice them?!

    I don't know. How come multiple people ask the same "should I eat my exercise calories" question? Or any number of questions that get asked over and over and over? My guess is that people don't follow the boards closely and don't know what's already been asked. A fair amount of people don't know about the "search" option or just don't think to use it. So there are repeat questions. Who cares? Either answer it or don't. You don't have to jump on someone's case for a repeat question.
  • gainess
    gainess Posts: 80 Member
    Wow!! I'm glad someone asked this question "again" (although my 1st time seeing) because I was wondering the same thing. I have been a member quite sometime as well but have not been following the discussion thread much until about a week ago. So thanks for asking this question because it has definitely helped me to understand the sugar and good luck to you!!!! :wink:
  • Some people are so rude, any money he has probably asked the same question that somebody else has asked! And somebody has probably already told u this but fruit sugar is good sugar I freaked wen mine went over aswel but then another friendly MFP told me that its good 4u so eat away my dear!!