Stretchmarks :(

I'm sure many of you have them, or had them. I gave birth over 2 years ago and I still have a lot of stretch marks on my stomach and sides. Before I got pregnant I had some but by 9 months i had um all over. I didn't use any creams pre-partum or post pardum. Just wondering when I do lose my weight will I still have them, being a mom you barely have time to yourself and I rarely buy myself things, but just wanted to know if there are any good creams out there that you used? And if they did just subside aft losing all your weight, I know that stretch marks are a sign of your body getting bigger or smaller? So anybody with advice is much appreciated!!!!


  • angelapolite
    I'm sure many of you have them, or had them. I gave birth over 2 years ago and I still have a lot of stretch marks on my stomach and sides. Before I got pregnant I had some but by 9 months i had um all over. I didn't use any creams pre-partum or post pardum. Just wondering when I do lose my weight will I still have them, being a mom you barely have time to yourself and I rarely buy myself things, but just wanted to know if there are any good creams out there that you used? And if they did just subside aft losing all your weight, I know that stretch marks are a sign of your body getting bigger or smaller? So anybody with advice is much appreciated!!!!

    I feel your pain, I've had mine for 18 YEARS!! Even when I lost weight 10 years ago, the stretch marks remained...:sad:
  • erica2h
    erica2h Posts: 42 Member
    stretchmarks are forever, sorry, I am bummed too.Had 2 kids and have a few on my stomach that I hate.But they are battle scars, that I carry with pride.:wink: But, I have a friend that works with lasers, and she mostly does hair removal, but said that are getting new lasers that dramatically reduce the look of stretchmarks, so maybe in the future, we can kiss them goodbye!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    They don't go away, they're scars, but they will fade with time. My youngest child is now almost 7 and my stretch marks have faded from bluish to only slightly lighter than my natural skin tone.
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I HATE stretch marks! It seems like I've gained MORE since I've started losing weight. I've tried cocoa butter and different creams, etc. but nothing's helped get rid of them. Stretch marks can be a sign of gaining weight obviously but it's also a sign of losing weight when you're losing too fast.

    Edit: I don't think they ever go away. I've had some for 5 and 6 years that used to be red but have faded and are now lighter than my normal skin color. I'm sure applying make-up or something would make them appear less visible but they won't disappear for good.
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    During my pregnancy I was so scared I would get stretchmarks so I moisturized my belly 2x a day. Lucky for me I did not get them maybe because of the cream, maybe not but I've had some in my thighs for as long as I can remember and I've tried everything to get them off nothing worked. I do find that as the years go by they become lighter and now they're barely noticeable. They say it's the genes that determines if you'll get them or not but since you have them wear them like a badge! Be proud your a mom and nothing is more wonderful than that!
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    Totally hillarious! I'm reading your post and the ad beside your post is for Trilasten a stretch mark medication. Too weird. Even once you lose the weight, I'm sorry to say they'll still be there. I figure they are just our battle scars for having been blessed with children. As long as I've only got stretch marks there, I'm happy. It's better than the inner tube I used to have : )
  • mindfulmunching
    mindfulmunching Posts: 62 Member
    racing stripes:tongue:
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I believe mine are going to stay forever. Most are from carrying around a 9-pound baby in my tummy when I was quite young (I had my son a few months after turning 18) for 2 weeks past my due date. A few are from the obesity that came after.
    I'm at a healthy weight now and there are tons. They aren't as bright, but they are just as large. My tummy "droops" a bit even though there is an impressive amound of muscle on my abs. Some of the loose skin may tighten over time (I drink lots of water, exercise, and moisturize) and the stretch marks may fade a bit more, but I'm proud of my body - saggy skin and scar tissue and all.
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    When I lost 40lbs a couple years ago the stretch marks on my boobs got deeper :(
    They were old stretch marks from puberty so they were white and barely noticable..but they just
    got very deep and more noticable when I lost weight ..bwah!
  • tena1028
    tena1028 Posts: 80 Member
    I have always wondered if a spray tan would help the appearance any. Has anyone tried that???? :bigsmile:
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Using copper peptides over a long period of time will help to fad your stretch marks. You can read tons of scientific articles on Skin Biology's website.

    You can also check out their forum. There is lots of discussion's about stretchmarks in the Scar Reduction threads.

    Not affiliated in any way shape or form . . . .just a long time (very happy) customer. :heart:
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    I was pretty lucky and didn't get too many stretch marks when I was pregnant with my daughter. I did get a few on my hips and one little one where my belly button ring used to be. I really don't think any creams are going to get rid of them completely but I used bio oil post partum (for a few months) and mine are barely noticeable now. Also you can use self tanner to help blend them into your skin. Sucks but I would take all the stretch marks in the world to have my beautiful baby girl :)