people who LOST weight eating MORE



  • Toxictwist
    Since I have been replacing my Calories with food, the # on the scale has been dropping :)
    It's going to be different for everyone.

    For me, I was very sceptical. "eat MORE to lose weight"?? It didn't make sense Still doesn't lol, But since I started eating more Its doing the trick.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator

    Lets see anyone, I challenge anyone to prove they ATE 1200 calories a day for a month and tell me they didn't lose weight? (Assuming you aren't 4 feet tall).

    There are people in this thread that have proven to eat 1200 calories and not lost. Plus I have worked with a ton of people on this board with the same issue. Heck, look in half the threads about plateaus and you will see this. Hell in fact, I did 90 days of p90x and ate 1800 calories and didn't lose but when I upped my calories to 2600, I lost 3% body fat in 3 months and 7 lbs.
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    Found my reading for tonight.
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    4'11" here, lost about 7 lbs at 1200 cals a day then stalled (plus I felt like CRAP). Upped to 1395 (1/2 lb week loss) and have been slowly and steadily losing since :drinker:
  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    I was undereating for a while and over-exercising. At my worst point, I was eating anywhere from 800-1,200 calories and working out every day and burning about 300-400 calories! I slowly upped my calories at first and still managed to maintain. HOWEVER, now that I'm not nearly as active and I'm eating about 1,700 calories, I have gained about 5-10 pounds, but have managed to maintain at my current weight for about 2 months now and I'm ok with it as this was my ultimate goal anyway and I was starting to look scary skinny and "sick" at my lowest weight (which was 114 - I'm now 130!).

    Undereating, will definitely do more damage than good in the longrun. I knew this while I was doing it and yet I continued to to do it and I knew I was ruining my metabolism. I was also well aware that once I started to eat normally, I would gain.
  • shawnchu
    But still under limit.
  • Honest_Sandy
    Eating not enough without realizing it and not exercising for way too long got me to my high weight. Watching what I ate, but still not eating enough, and over exercising got me a few lbs lost, but then I started gaining again. This month my two biggest weight loss weeks were after Thanksgiving weekend and this week after attending TWO christmas parties...go figure! Forcing myself to eat just a little more has made a huge difference!

  • mbar12
    mbar12 Posts: 125 Member
    Thats awesome. Congrats on the weight loss!
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Bumpity Bump
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    The theory is not to eat so much that you eat more cals than you burn. The meaning is to keep you body fueled properly. When you lose weight your loosing fat and muscle. Eating the right amount of protein, carbs and fat will reduce your muscle loss and speed up your fat loss. When you eat your bodies temp rises. This burns cals. Eating more times a day keeps the fluctuating fat/muscle loss/storage at a slower pace.

    I'm sure that some people may disagree with this based upon a 10 person scientific test. P90X and Insanity follow these guidlines. We've all seen the results.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    bump for later...
  • Custic

    I'm supposed to eat 1200 calories/a day but I only eat maxiumum 650? and this is when i added a bit more during my day. HOW CAN I EAT SO LITTLE? because when I check other people they eat atleast 1400 a day. how can they do that? dont know whats wrong but I get really full with my food intaken.

    To make it clear for u guys so this is how my days look like:
    I eat 4 times a day - time: 9, 12, 3, 6. I dont go up earlier than 8 so thats why I only have a snack-time which is 3pm.
    9 - breakfat: 3 hard boiled eggwhites. around 50g natural yoghurt with cinnamon and some
    12 - lunch: a salad pretty much similar to greeksalad but i add spinash salad instead and either salmon fillé or chicken
    3 - snack: apple, 8 almonds, and then either half avokado, kiwi or a carrot.
    6 - dinner: similar to lunch (but a bit smaller meal), a salad with most of the time chicken fillé but could be tuna or so..

    (I drink a cup of green tea to every meal so 4 cups of green tea / a day, sometimes I have 5 or so.
    And water there between the meals.)

    I dont eat carbs, only from veggies and fruit, because I'm not a big fan of pasta, potatoes, rise etc.. I exercise atleast 4 times a week, but dont change my food intaken when I have my exercise days, or atleast not much or often, I maybe eat a bit more protein after for example lunch, instead of get 80g salmon filé I eat 100g. so its not a big change.

    IF YOU WERE ME GUYS, WHAT WOULD U DO? (I just weighed myself and i've droped 1,5kg almost.. and i started ten days ago) so why does this make me worried then? WELL I READ ALOT AND SEEN PEOPLE WRITING ABOUT LOOSING MUSCLE INSTEAD OF FAT IF U DONT GET ENOUGH CALORIES. I also see people say that u will give up if u eat less calorie each day, well i done this for 10 days and i havent binged at all yet. and as how it feels now, im pretty sure i wont for another 10 days. I've been thinking about add more calories and i have alredy done. i put another eggwhite for breakfast and i add some more veggies for my meals and i eat more for snack. and probably if i would add some more carbs i know my calorieintaken would rise much more, but what im doing now - is it dangerous / bad for my body or should i learn to like these carbs.. ? anyway enough writing, i feel pretty silly writing here, havent used mfp for writing at all pretty much, but felt i could need some help and was thinking to ask u guys.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Custic, you are right, you will be losing muscle with that diet. It's really not hard to eat more. Eat whole eggs instead of egg whites. Put cheese and full-fat salad dressing on your salads. Eat a whole handful of almonds instead of just 8. Eat red meat for dinner. Drink a few glasses of milk a day (even skim is 135 calories a glass, 2% would add even more). Eat fruit. Bananas are great and high calorie. Add protien shakes. You don't HAVE to have carbs if you don't like them.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Custic, you are right, you will be losing muscle with that diet. It's really not hard to eat more. Eat whole eggs instead of egg whites. Put cheese and full-fat salad dressing on your salads. Eat a whole handful of almonds instead of just 8. Eat red meat for dinner. Drink a few glasses of milk a day (even skim is 135 calories a glass, 2% would add even more). Eat fruit. Bananas are great and high calorie. Add protien shakes. You don't HAVE to have carbs if you don't like them.

    This is great advice... take away - dont eat low fat low calorie substitutes. They are processed and not as good for you.

    Also, stuff like avocado and cooking in olive oil or even a couple scoops of peanut butter. heck, I eat as much for breakfast as you do in a day, lol.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Lets see anyone, I challenge anyone to prove they ATE 1200 calories a day for a month and tell me they didn't lose weight? (Assuming you aren't 4 feet tall).

    There are people in this thread that have proven to eat 1200 calories and not lost. Plus I have worked with a ton of people on this board with the same issue. Heck, look in half the threads about plateaus and you will see this. Hell in fact, I did 90 days of p90x and ate 1800 calories and didn't lose but when I upped my calories to 2600, I lost 3% body fat in 3 months and 7 lbs.

    Wouldn't it be impossible to reach a plateau without losing weight?
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member

    Lets see anyone, I challenge anyone to prove they ATE 1200 calories a day for a month and tell me they didn't lose weight? (Assuming you aren't 4 feet tall).

    There are people in this thread that have proven to eat 1200 calories and not lost. Plus I have worked with a ton of people on this board with the same issue. Heck, look in half the threads about plateaus and you will see this. Hell in fact, I did 90 days of p90x and ate 1800 calories and didn't lose but when I upped my calories to 2600, I lost 3% body fat in 3 months and 7 lbs.

    This^^ I set mine at 1800 for P90x and have been cheating like a mutha, because it's still not enough. Need to just raise mine, I suppose :smile:
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I eat around 3000 calories each day - lean meats, whole grains, low fat dairy, fresh fruits and veggies.

    I lose 1lb each week.

    More is less!
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Iv just started to eat BMR xactivity level (in my case was 1.375 - lightly active) minus 500cal for a 1lb loss a week. From various sites its between 1480-1510cals a day allowance. Iv set my goal at 1480- and this is 3rd day. Its my period so last 2 days iv eaten a whole days extra intake so not expecting results soon! I was at 1200cals a day before sometimes eating to 1300cals.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I started at 1200 calories when I joined MFP and had been eating roughly 1200-1300 calories weekly for a couple months before joining, so my body was used to it. I lost roughly 12 lbs before joining MFP. I got to 20 lbs total about a month into my stay here at MFP, but I had started leaving some extra calories (not sure why) and once I hit 20, I stalled. My measurements were all over the place - up and down - and I couldn't lose no matter how hard I worked out or how clean I ate. Many people on the boards told me to increase, so I increased to 1400 and started eating almost all my exercise calories. Within a couple weeks of my body getting used to that, I was back to losing 1 lb per week (was halfway in my weight loss journey at this point).

    All that to say, I lose easier when my base is about 1400. Right now I'm at 1380 and I try to at least net 1200 calories per day, and I'm losing just fine. (But yes, you'll see I've only lost 2 lbs - I gained most of what I lost, back. ... and even now, cannot lose if I eat less than 1200 calories per day NET - I tend to eat about 1600 or more total per day).