Chicken or Pork?



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Chicken by a mile, the reason i say this is the body breaks chicken down faster then it does pork. There is some recent study on this on website. Chicken is also allot easier to mix into many meals and easier to flavor. My bottom line if the wheel aint broken don't fix it and any gym, or health nut will tell you chicken everytime as its always been that way... If your looking to mix up your plate just add buffalo or more varities of fish...

    Gym and health nuts say the funniest things sometimes. Have you heard the one about the Muscle Confusion (TM)?
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    When I get tired of chicken, I have pork. When I get tired of pork, I have fish. When I get tired of fish, I have chicken. They're all good.

    Eh, sometimes. Actually I've been in a mood to make a nice bolognese. But otherwise I get most of my beef from Pho or burgers, eating out. I don't usually stock it at home.
    Gotcha. I got a bunch in "bulk" a month ago through a local rancher, so my eating has pretty much been the polar opposite of yours. This month I ordered a mixed box and was excited to see the pork and chicken. :happy:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Actually I've been in a mood to make a nice bolognese.
    Pfft... Dude, it's spelled B-O-L-O-G-N-A, alright?

  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Honestly it depends on the cut of the meat and how it's prepared. I just took a look at the pork tenderloin in my freezer and the boneless skinless chicken breasts. The pork is 130 calories for 4 oz and the chicken is 120 calories. A pretty negligible difference in my mine. Now if you eat only dark meat chicken, or skin on chicken I think it's about 200 calories. A pork chop with fat is going to be higher too. We eat both in our house as I like them both and I am the cook!

    Edit. I went back and looked at the protein on the packages and the pork tenderloin was 19 grams and the chicken 26 grams. So if it's protein you are looking for go for the chicken and mix it up once in awhile with the pork. I also like shrimp as it's high in protein as well.