Numbers on the scale



  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I think *perhaps* you're misinterpreting what they mean- as I say this to myself-

    OF COURSE the number on the scale matters- so does my readings on the B/P gauge
    and my last blood work up....

    However, I can NOT allow that number- which can fluctuate OFTEN-
    DICTATE my feelings & motivation in this journey.

    It is a gauge, a number...that's all. It is NOT an indication of my value as a human being.
    And if I truly understood and believed this, it should not matter to me if I am UNDERweight,
    OVERweight or somewhere in the middle.
  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    I agree, I don't think weight determines someones value, and like I said measurements matter, but at least for me, as of now I am obese so getting that number down is important. I want to be healthier so that is my over all motivation, and seeing my weight fluctuate isn't going to deter me from living a healthier life but getting my weight to a place where I am not longer considered obese is very important to me.