Looking at pudge in all the wrong places.

My knees hurt. My back hurts. I don't dare look down at a mirror and I swear I need a 12 step program for sunflower seeds because they are kicking my *kitten*! I got this iPhone and found this app and decided to give it a whirl. Why is it when you want to stop eating the bad stuff, that's when you notice it on sale everywhere! So any who, I am looking for people who inspire and can still wake up happy in the morning even if they can't eat crap food. Life is to short to not be able to wear cute clothes!


  • lilbabiigurll
    I totally agree. I woke up one morning and was over all the bad food and decided to be healthy, good luck!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Good luck.(love the profile pic, BTW)