vitamins you take....

I take a centrum ultra woman's daily... I need to start taking more Vitamin D as the sun is gone a lot here in Washington lol. But I wanted to start taking Omega 3's and I wasn't sure what I should take. Any suggestions?


  • Jay0hwhy
    i take centrum active metabolism-- it has caffeine so i take it instead of drinking coffee in the morning with my breakfast. its my incentive for taking vitamins haha
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    I take women's one daily, Nature Made D3 2000 IU, and Nature's Bounty Fish oil 1200mg. I would recommend the Nature made fish oil because it has a thicker coating and you don't taste it later. This combo has worked well for me personally.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    multivitamin with extra iron, ferrous gluconate, caclium, b6 & vitamin D.
  • limorg
    limorg Posts: 15
    You need to get your blood tested to see if you have any deficiencies… some vitamins, like vitamin C is very good for you and you can't overdoes on it…but others, I think even vitamin D, you can cause yourself damage if you overdoes on them as your body doesn’t get rid of the extras…
    Vitamin C is good for you, Q10,Zinc...
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    I take Alive multivitamin, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Alpha-lipoic acid and coenzyme q10. I take a few tbsp of Flora Organic High Lignan or Udo's Blend 3-6-9 and cook with coconut oil (contain Omega 3-6-9).
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I take B12.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Multi with iron, Calcium, B complex, B 12 sublingual
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    I'm also in Washington so need Vitamin D. I recommend getting it tested at your next physical because they found mine was very low and I have to take 10,000 IU a week. It's also good to know so you don't take more than you need.

    I take calcium as well, since I'm lactose intolerant and don't get much calcium through foods. A few times a week I take Emergen-C for the extra C, especially this time of year, plus it tastes really yummy! I also take a Centrum Multi for good measure and for the extra iron. Recently started taking the Nature Made Fish Oil, which is good - I've never had that fishy aftertaste from it.
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    Nature made daily vitamin (sorry, don't remember what kind). I take a calcium supplement and iron supplement if I'm under my required amounts (due to anemia and medications).
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I take flaxseed oil, wild salmon oil, B50 complex, E, D, zinc (every other day), and chew vitamin C to suppress cravings lol. Not sure if it's a good combo of things to take, or if a multivitamin would be better, but meh.
  • fivetwo84
    A complete multi vitamin, D3, Ferrous Sulfate [prescription], an OTC iron supplement, & B-12. I used to take fish oil, but my doctor told me to stop taking it b/c I was having issues with profuse menstrual bleeding & he said that fish oil can increase bleeding - good to know for anyone that has bleeding issues of any kind.
  • spottedlee
    I need to start taking more Vitamin D as the sun is gone a lot here in Washington lol.
    I live in Washington too. Actually, it is recommended that Vitamin D be taken year around, not just in winter.
    I'm also in Washington so need Vitamin D. I recommend getting it tested at your next physical because they found mine was very low and I have to take 10,000 IU a week. It's also good to know so you don't take more than you need.
    Like you, I was very low too. The doctor had me on 50,000 IU a week for 10 weeks, now I am on 2,000 IU daily.

    OP, trust me, it was said that about 80% of the residents in northern states are in need of Vitamin D year round so as the above poster said,, get your Vitamin D level tested.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I take Holland & Barratt ABC Plus
  • comforter111
    i take 3 iron pills a day and 3 vit amin c tablets thats about it
  • KelLifts
    KelLifts Posts: 99 Member
    I just moved here in July from Ca. My levels were taken and they are good. Dr just said I need to take 2000 IU a day and 1000 IU for my kids. I will look into the omega 3's. Thanks
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Market Pantry brand gummies. I like the red ones the most.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    I'd try eating better foods to get your Omega-3's, Grass fed beef, deer, bison, etc. The real question is why do you want to supplement? Disease prevention?
  • CraftHer
    CraftHer Posts: 30 Member
    Definately get your vitamin levels tested. I was low on vitamin D and she told me to take 10,000 IU. I thought she meant a day so I started taking A LOT of vitamin D. However, she meant a week and it didn't take me long to overdose. Once I got it leveled out, I felt better.

    I also take an iron supplement called Vitron-C. This is the only iron supplement (including prescriptions) that has kept my iron level in the normal range. The vitamin C helps the iron absorb. It also doesn't have the same side effects as some of the others. I take it separate from my calcium and thyroid since iron can take away from these.
  • whatevany
    whatevany Posts: 109 Member
    I take:

    Vit D3 5,000 IU
    Co Q 10 100mg
    Life Extension Super K
    Fish Oil
    Natural Calm (Magnesium) Call me crazy I like the
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    i take a centrum multi vitamin n mineral, B50 complex, Vitamin D, Flax seed oil gell cap, and Biotin. I also use ground flax on my cereal.