looking for positive friends to help motivate me:)

Hi all!! I used mfp for a few months then stopped and gained the.weight I lost back.. i am back on and in need of motivation. I'm also back on my yoga routine ( very proud if myself) .. little by little I will get there.. just need a push.... feel free to add me:)


  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    haha i also am back after falling off the wagon! friend me if you like :)
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    Welcome back, feel free to add me
  • ChristophHewett
    ChristophHewett Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, This is my fist time on MyFitnessPal. I have used other similar sites before (with great success) but MFP seems to have the best mobile app, and a pretty cool community.

    I live in the beautiful city of Melbourne Australia, which is now coming into the warmth of late spring (almost Summer). I have left my Spring training very late and am trying a whole heap of new activities to compensate for my retirement from amateur basketball, which I've been playing off and on for 20 years.

    Not so much about target weight and and what-not, but am dedicated to consistent, healthy and vital living.

    As most of my friends are not very tech savvy and/or not as active, I'll love to know others in the MFP community with similar aims. :smile:

    Cheers, Chris.