
auntteeny39 Posts: 2
i've never had to watch what eat, but i'm recently diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes and this is very hard. I've got other health probs and with the meds i take have caused my body to change in every way. I have literally tried everything to lose weight, from the crash diet to something not legal and i still have a hard time losing weight. I just bought billy blanks exercise thingy and hopefully ill see some results anyone have some advice or evens tips to help.
Thank you and God Bless


  • kimski08
    kimski08 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm new to this today too. Just set up the app on my phone to track on my food - that's half the battle. It's so easy to over eat.

    I used to do Billy Blank, but I've since got the Zumba DVDs as I'm not ready to go to a class yet! What you'll find with the Zuma is it's so much more fun!

    Good luck
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