Gastric Sleeve

Anyone here have the Gastric Sleeve done and wants to talk about it??



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Unless you are at risk of death what's wrong with doing it the good old fashioned way?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    unless you are at risk of death, what's wrong with doing it the old fashioned way?
    sure it may be a lot of work and may take a lot of time but it is worth it for the journey.. also i know people who have got the sleeve and just put all their weight back on.
  • danilee1980
    I had the sleeve done on September 28th. I have lost 25 pounds since surgery. I am very happy with it. I had been working hard to losing my weight naturally and my doctor agreed that it just was not happening. So I went through a 12 week class on the ins and outs of the surgery and here I am! How are you doing with it?
  • chelsey554
    I had the gastric sleeve last year in october I weight 279 before surgery and now im at 190 I need to keep going and I need support!!! it has changed my life but Im not done yet lol
  • kidskart
    kidskart Posts: 79 Member
    I had the sleeve 2 weeks ago, and am amazed at how good I feel! Anyone who thinks surgery is the 'easy way' are simply uneducated! A comment like, 'do it the old-fashioned way with hard-work' REALLY?! Like anyone over weight hadn't thought of that! LOL!

    I am rockin' along with my sleeve! It has enabled me to keep my calories low, protein high, plenty of water, exercise is getting easier! Glad to see the board for those who have had the sleeve!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    @BeautyForPai: I agree. I have wanted to get a medical procedure so many times..but just couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't mind a bit of hard work. But loosing weight for every person is indeed different
  • zzruss
    I had a Roeu-N-Y Gastric bypass 6 years ago. I lost 125 lbs... to which I have kept about 100 of it off since... I kinda wish I did it the old fashioned way... And I had before that... But here I am 6 years later still trying to find the magic bullet -- but it is lifestyle change, and darn it -- for me means writting EVERYTHING down and keeping aware of what I am taking in.

    If you are in serious health trouble -- do what you have to do... but if you can do it without the surgery, TRY.
  • delilah34
    I had a vertical sleeve done a little over a year ago. I have lost 130 pounds. I would like to lose another 20 pounds. It is hard. It is not easy. It is a tool that helps with weight loss but I still have to work with it everyday. Some days are good and some days I eat bad. I haven't gained any weight but I have stopped losing which is why I am tracking my calories. I think the more power to you if you can lose weight without surgery but for those who choose to have surgery, people shouldn't judge.
  • wendyseddon
    wendyseddon Posts: 8 Member
    I had the sleeve Jan 31st and have lost 18lbs. I agree that it is only a tool. You still have to eat right and exercise(which I did before surgery).

    Does anyone else get tired of being judged for "taking the easy way out"?

    For those people that think surgery is "the easy way out" and you should do it "the old fashioned way"- I tried that it did not work. I did weight watchers and worked out doing a cardio/strengthening circuit training class and a zumba class 4 times a week and then walked at least a mile or two the rest of the week for a year. Guess how much weight I lost-12lbs IN A YEAR! UGH! So if you can do it the "old fashioned way" then more power to ya but for those of us that it didn't work for please don't judge and tell us we "took the easy way out". I can also guarantee you that surgery is not easy and getting approved/prepared for it is not either. I went to more classes for this than I think I attended my whole senior year in high school! lol
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I had gastric bypass surgery 3.5 years ago. People that judge us for taking "the easy way out" can kiss my no-longer-fat *kitten*. We all have the right to choose our own journey. do your research and do what is best for YOU!! Weight loss surgery saved my life. I thank God for it everyday.
  • nurseygirl66
    nurseygirl66 Posts: 25 Member
    Judge away, I say! I had the sleeve done in August I'm down 100 pounds, off of all of my meds and ran 3.25 miles AFTER work today. I haven't been this healthy since I was 18. Now, I could have struggled another 20 years and yo-yo'd myself literally to death...the old fashioned way. No thank you :bigsmile: ! Everyone has their burdens to bear and hats off to those that make great decisions for themselves.
  • jmurphyaz
    @BeautyFromPai - You have NO RIGHT casting stones. Keep you nasty opinions to yourself.

    There is a support group on here for WLS folks so you can join and have support instead of judgements. Be kind to yourself. Do what you need to do, and yes know it is a tool to help you get out of risk from the severe obesity. As long as you are making an informed decision go for it. Friend me if you would like more support. :heart:
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    I had a Roeu-N-Y Gastric bypass 6 years ago. I lost 125 lbs... to which I have kept about 100 of it off since... I kinda wish I did it the old fashioned way... And I had before that... But here I am 6 years later still trying to find the magic bullet -- but it is lifestyle change, and darn it -- for me means writting EVERYTHING down and keeping aware of what I am taking in.

    If you are in serious health trouble -- do what you have to do... but if you can do it without the surgery, TRY.

    I second that!
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I don't think anyone was trying to be nasty. I think when it comes to a serious surgical procedure it is actually a good thing to have someone to play Devil's Advocate only because it helps ensure you are making the right decision for you. Also, the question of the good old fashioned way is probably (or at least should be) a question any doctor asks prior to performing any surgical procedure like this. That isn't to say it is the easy way out. In fact, I'd be inclined to think it is harder. Maybe the weight comes off faster but the changes to your body in such a way can't be easy to adjust to both physically and psychologically.

    I say do your research thoroughly. Ask yourself the "nasty" questions to be sure you are making the right decision for yourself. Also, consulting people on the boards may give you insight to someone else's experience but it won't help you know the right decision for you.

    Take care of yourself and make the decision you feel is right for you.

    Good luck!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Weightloss is weightloss any way you can loss it is wonderful! It is going to help you to be healthier. I workout out and weighed everything I ate, and counted ever calorie. If it had not worked for me....I would have done what ever I needed to do....I wasn't going to give up, and wanted the weight off!! I still have about 25 pounds to go. I don't care how someone lose the weight....hats off to them for taking the first step to living a more healthy & active life!!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    @BeautyFromPai - You have NO RIGHT casting stones. Keep you nasty opinions to yourself.

    There is a support group on here for WLS folks so you can join and have support instead of judgements. Be kind to yourself. Do what you need to do, and yes know it is a tool to help you get out of risk from the severe obesity. As long as you are making an informed decision go for it. Friend me if you would like more support. :heart:

    Wait a minute this is a forum and everyone can offer objective criticism.... There is more than one way to lose weight but the one thing you must do no matter what route you take if you don't fix what is broke in your head that got you to be obese or overweight then there is no tool that will sustain success... When I start at 560 lbs. I could barely walk from room to room and had not left the house in a couple years... I had that aha moment and decided to change my life. From the beginning I was doing this naturally or die trying.... 32 months later with alot of hardwork I am closing in on my final goal... She was basically suggesting that doing this on your own is another option.... nothing wrong with that, it has work pretty well for me..... OP goodluck on whatever you decide to do... Just know this journey can be one the old fashion way too... Just take putting forth the effort..... Goodluck to you on your journey........
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    At 361lbs, 7 months so, I seriously considered and looked into some kind of weight loss surgery. Then I discovered this website/app!! This app saved my life! I am @395lbs and going strong!! There are so many risks involved and I have known of too many people who were literally knocking on deaths door and heard of many more who have lost the battle. After seeing how true dedication pays off, I would never consider this kind of surgery. All you have to do is work hard and be honest! Binging is never ok, but indulging every blue moon is. You choose the path that you feel is worth it. For me, self control was the answer. I was my enemy and I had to fight myself, not punish my body. Best wishes on your journeys.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Unless you are extremely overweight and it is absolutely necessary, I would recommend avoiding surgery and losing weight the old fashioned way. Surgery of any kind always carries the risk of complications, and many people that have weight loss surgery do have long term complications that exceed what their doctor advised them to expect.

    This link has references to many scientific articles about the various kinds of weight loss surgery and the complications associated with them
  • montynurse
    montynurse Posts: 5 Member
    If anyone thinks that having surgery is "an easy way out", think again! I should know since we deal with this day in and out on my hospital floor. Not a magic pill, but it does work for many people. We do see a lot of complications post op because many people don't follow the strict rules after surgery and cause complications (in addition to the complications of surgery itself). Not easy, but definately benificial to the people who need it. Should talk to a reputalbe doctor first.
  • brisshell22
    I am 9 days out from having the gastric sleeve surgery. For years I tried and yo-yoed up and down 20 lbs. When I hit 300 lbs. I just couldn't take it any longer. I was never skinny, but after a car accident 13 years ago and lots of medication weight kept coming on, and less active I became.

    I find now after having the surgery, I want to get up and move. I love all the walking I am doing. I feel great, I am not hungry and I have lost 11 lbs. already. I never thought I would have had surgery myself, but my Rhumatologist suggested it and for six months, I took classes and got prepared physically and mentally.