When do you know when you need a new scale?

My scale I've had for a bout a year now..it's an electric scale and I think it might be inaccurate..do you think it's time to buy a new one..due to the fact I also weigh myself on it like almost everyday or pretty much to everyday or even a few times through out the day..but my other scale at my bfs house is the old fashioned scale and says im like 2 pounds less i believe..so is that inaccurate too b/c it was cheap and not like this one..idk what to do..-sigh-


  • ryiko
    ryiko Posts: 76
    My scale I've had for a bout a year now..it's an electric scale and I think it might be inaccurate..do you think it's time to buy a new one..due to the fact I also weigh myself on it like almost everyday or pretty much to everyday or even a few times through out the day..but my other scale at my bfs house is the old fashioned scale and says im like 2 pounds less i believe..so is that inaccurate too b/c it was cheap and not like this one..idk what to do..-sigh-
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Put some weights on it or something you know the exact weight so you can see how off it is.
    Also stop driving yourself nuts by weighing in so much. Stick to once a week or at the very least once a day. You'll save yourself alot of headaches and disappointments.

  • joonieB
    joonieB Posts: 101
    If by electric you mean digital I hate those scales! We had one that every time you stepped on it, it would give you a different weight. I prefer my cheap-o $9 old fashioned scale, the type where the little red line goes around the circle, pointing to your weight. It is accurate, but hard to read--I wish they would make the same scale with the numbers enlarged!