Frustrated and Stuck

When I first started MFP over a year ago, my starting weight was 170lbs, I got down to 127lbs. Well then I gained a few pounds back. Now my weight fluctuates between 131-133lbs and I seem to be stuck there. My goal weight is 129-130 lbs, my height is 5'7. I am very thankful for my success in losing weight, don't get me wrong, and I realize that I am currently at a healthy weight but wanted to get back down to what I was before around 129. My question is am I stuck at this weight, is this my body's way of saying it's happy where it's at? I don't want to continue forcing myself to lose weight if it's not going to happen. I am currently at a 1500 calorie diet. Any tips or suggestions?


  • Bluejay789
    If you can get a scale or borrow a scale that weighs muscle and fat then you could compare to what is actually normal.

    Muscle weighs more than fat so if you are fit then a number does not really matter if you feel good and your clothes fit.

    Congratulations on your weight loss! You are a winner!

  • sacase123
    Your body is telling you that it is happy where it is at, but if you feel better a few pounds lighter than cut out some calories or add some exercise. Is it the number that is actually bothering you or does it have to do with the way that you look? Have you noticed a difference in the way you look with those few pounds? If not, then don't push yourself to lose weight your body wants to hold on to.
  • mikebudd
    mikebudd Posts: 26 Member
    The big question is why you want to lose the weight. Are you still carrying weight that you should lose or are you just above some "ideal" weight because your body is more muscle that that "ideal"? You accomplished a great goal. Be happy with it and work on toning your body. Congrats!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    How long have you been at a deficit for and do you incorporate maintenance or cheat days?