new, pissed, and looking to channel this energy...



  • :smile: Spot on. we are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made and very well put .
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    SerenaFisher – can, too!

    Munkyzilla – spring? Absolutely!

    SPOT ON…love that colloquialism

    Thx for everyone’s responses…it’s uplifting to know that so many others are aiming towards the same direction.

  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    I've been doing it all wrong and it's come back to bite me in the rear. Feed up with the blood tests, doctors visits, and new prescriptions for everything under the sun...

    Can't cook, but prefer fresh anyway...all suggestions welcome.

    This body of mine can't take any more denial. Need serious friends looking to get/stay healthy....and I'm not too good at the whiny-type to be perfectly honest. I can give lots of support and a better kick in the rear...exactly what I need most of the time.

    Looking for direction and ideas and focused friends, and an answer to this question:

    Is it more about calories consumed or is it everything about calories burned?


    Hey v,
    You sound very motivated, that's the start you need. You've gotten some great advice that maybe I can add to.

    I'm sure you have a vision now of what your physical health goal is.

    I would encourage you to adjust your lens to even a wider scope, that includes finding the lifestyle, adjusting every single thing in your life - that will result in your health goal as a consequence of that lifestyle.

    Doing that will make The Result fall out of the process of adhering to that lifestyle.

    The reason I suggest this is because we can get mired down from time to time, losing sight of the goal. Distracted. That's when you need to just focus on the process. If your goal is The Process rather than the result, you just have to get through that day, maybe even that moment. The result ends up being a consequence of adhering to your goal. The goal is now the lifestyle you've chosen. This approach takes time out of the equation as well. You pronounce each day as a day you achieved your goal. The Big Goal. Most of us who have stuck with using MFP for even years have ended up adjusting their health goals at least twice through their progression. That health goal may change, but if the process becomes your goal, that doesn't change.

    MFP gives you the tools to reach the goal. It is all about NET calories and accountability. Using the diary facilitates accountability. The more detail, the more you can fine tune your approach. That aspect of the lifestyle.

    Hope this makes sense to you.

    Where's the LIKE button?
  • You've got excellent advise thus far! Something for me to add...

    Your fitness journey is all about making yourself happy! Its a rollercoaster and its hard but you gotta find the right fit for you. Challenge yourself but you can't make it too extreme or it'll never last! Baby steps! Your daily small successes should make smile!

    For me personally, I just love to eat -- ALL the time! The more the better! So I in turn eat fresh fruits and veggies cause I can eat ALL day and be stuffed and still not bolt over my daily calories!

    Just another tid bit: besides calories in vs. burned that durn stress hormone is sneaky!!! If you're stressed and you dont work off that stress by taking a walk or something... the left over stress hormone turns into a fat... so if you're too super stressed all the time... you may be burning the calories that youre consuming and not seeing any results or hindered results because you could be making fats from processes inside your body.

    tid bit #2: As well as we all know once theres a fat cell it wants to stay fatty ...its going to hang onto and grab as much fat as it possibly can. Just keep this in your knowledge and know that it takes awhile to make him shrink! Reaching your water intake daily will help with this! :)

    Also... gaining knowledge about nutrition; how the things we put in our body affect our bodies by textbook, not by sensationalized media, gives you a good foundation. No more questions to worry about, you know how it works!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!! :) PROUD OF YOU!
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