Just Joined, need help :(

Hello all,

Just joined mfp today. I been struggling with my weight all my life. Also i have major depression. The medication I was put on caused me to gain 100 pounds within 3 years. Well, I have stopped taking the medication and need to turn my life around ASAP. Tired of feeling sad, tired and unmotivated. I was also in a very bad car accident so it is very hard for me to exercise right now. I would love the support of new friends that are also struggling. Together we can do this.


  • coachLisaF
    coachLisaF Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Girl!
    You were created for greatness! Please KNOW that! Dont be defeated and robbed of your inheritance! My name is Lisa Friedrich, and I am a health and fitness cosch! I used to weigh 200 pounds, and am now down to 168 with 15 more to go...? This is a journey that we are all on..Together! I am here for your encouragement and support! I would be happy to walk with you! :)
    Have an absolutely AWESOME day!
  • Welcome to the site!!!!

    You have come to the right place for motivation and support. I have met some of the best people here ... it is unbelievable!

    Friend request sent!
    Heather :bigsmile:
  • marie111
    marie111 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi there well done on coming off medication, sorry to hear about your car crash hope your on the mend, welcome to mfp we are all a very friendly bunch on here if you need any support or any encourgagement you will certainly get it here please feel free to add me as a friend and if you have any questions or just want a moan im here welcome again and good luck. marie
  • hellotina
    hellotina Posts: 147 Member
    I feel you, I also am on depression/bipolar meds that i feel added to my weight. Just be sure you will be okay stopping them- have you tried talking to your doctor about other choices that may have a lesser side effect? Anyways, glad you joined.. I recently did too & I have found this site is very motivating. Tracking everything seems to be helping me tons on getting going instead of putting it off.

    Good luck!!!!
  • mashanda
    mashanda Posts: 120 Member
    You can do it! Just begin to thing different. Don't think about your mental state and how it effects your abilities. Think about your goals and how you can reach them. Make a small goal each day and then build from their. Your MFP family is here for you. You will do this and you will find healing. :)
  • coachLisaF
    coachLisaF Posts: 46 Member
    Sorry about the "hey girl" :(:(
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I just joined, too. Sounds like you've got some tough going ahead of you for a bit. I hope this community helps.
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    Hey Girl!
    You were created for greatness! Please KNOW that! Dont be defeated and robbed of your inheritance! My name is Lisa Friedrich, and I am a health and fitness cosch! I used to weigh 200 pounds, and am now down to 168 with 15 more to go...? This is a journey that we are all on..Together! I am here for your encouragement and support! I would be happy to walk with you! :)
    Have an absolutely AWESOME day!

    I second that, really couldn't have said it better.
    First you have to start to believe in yourself. You can do it and here you will get all the support you need to stay motivated. Don't let the weight control your life - I know it is easier said than done, I am struggling with the same problem and I am sure so do others - but make sure that you reach the weight you want to to feel happy and to be healthy.

    feel free to add me :)