Been here awhile need friends

:smile: Hello everyone I been on mfp for about 7 months I am a 25 yr old mother of 3 and wife and I love it! I have had success with MFP and also the help of turbo fire I lost 20lbs in 10 wks but i stopped working out over the summer and have gained 10 lbs back :sad: I am having a hard time staying motivated and would like to add friends this time for encouragement we can help each other through this. It seems as if it was so easy to put the unwanted weight on but so darn hard to get it off I know I didn' t gain over night but it seems that way :laugh: so I know I won't lose it over night (I wish) any who I just wanted to share that with you and hope to gain some MFP buddy's this time around!


  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    I'm new here too! I'm 24 and have also lost a chunk of weight before and put about half of it back I'm here trying to lose it for good! I will add you.
  • Feel free to friend me!

    I've realized in my own journey that if someone is here to "diet", they won't keep the weight off. We have to look at this as a chance to completely retrain our body and taste buds so that it's a lifestyle change that sticks forever!

    I would never eat the things I used to! Not only have I eventually lost the taste for them, some of the downright disgust me (i.e. fast food). It took me years to lose 85 lbs slowly but I've been at my leanest weight (of my entire life!) for over three years now (120 lbs) and the journey taught me more than I ever thought possible.

  • liz1732
    liz1732 Posts: 15 Member
    if u want friend me... liz