2012 Weight Loss Challenge

I know that it's early, but I figured members can spend the next month and a half or so getting to know each other, discussing plans, getting advice, sharing recipe ideas, and a lot more before we "officially" start.

If you're interested in joining a weight loss group focused on losing weight in the new year, join!



  • xoxMandyxox
    xoxMandyxox Posts: 104 Member
    We've hit 103 members so far! Getting a lot of responses, and plenty to talk about. Join any time!
  • xoxMandyxox
    xoxMandyxox Posts: 104 Member
    We're over 300 members, and I've decided to change it up some XD

    We now have chats for members looking to maintain weight, as well as gaining weight. I posted some new (and not so new) topics for people to chat in.

    So, join and find people who are looking to reach the same goals as yourself :smile:

    Hope to see you there!
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    Is this challenge still going on?
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I have never figured out how to participate in a challenge on here. But good luck. Sounds like fun!
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    I tried to join the Valentine's Day challenge but it was closed. I guess I will keep looking.....frustrating though. :-(
  • I have lost 9 lbs since the first of the year.. so exciting.. i am thankful for my fitness pal for helping me take accout for what i put in my mouth.. it's "worth it work" ... It's amazing how great I feel without junk food and all that bread and fat.. Thanks again and good luck to you all....
  • I joined a weight loss challenge at my gym . I'm so glad I did because it made me accountable for my food and exercise plan.
    It doesn't even matter if I don't win I'll be happy if I reach my personal goal. I've been going to the gym for almost a yr. but I use to eat a lot of junk that's why this challenge made me step up my game. Best Wishes to all!!!!