Diet & Exercise Assistance

I wish to loose 50lbs ish the healthy way. What is the best diet for me to follow and what is the best exercise for me to complete alongside? I do have a few fitness DVD's - are there any anyone recommends.

I really do want to get to goal this time so any help would be beneficial to me.


  • MarieRich
    MarieRich Posts: 87 Member
    I found that logging EVERYTHING I eat into MFP works wonders for me. I am able to watch the content of my calories and am dilligent about my portion sizes. I love the feeling I get after working out so I force myself to stick it out. I know I will feel good in the end. Good luck!
  • NishaMisha
    Monitoring your calorie intake and moving your body.

    That was basically the advice my doctor gave me and once I got it through my thick head that it really is that easy...I realized it works.

    I walk 5 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes sometimes up to 90 minutes and really monitor my food intake.
  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    Instead of using the dvd's first, you should first focus on the right diet for your needs. Use the MFP calculator to help you decide how many calories you should eat per day. Incorporate easy exercise, like walking, into your daily routine. Once you start to lose some weight (might be a few weeks, be patient) then i would recommend that you start the dvd's. sometimes workout dvd's are too grueling for someone just starting out, which is why I'd wait on them and build your fitness level up in a different way first. good luck!
  • LillysGranny
    Logging and monitoring your intake will get the results you want. If you're looking for a basis to make healthy food choices, follow a mediterranean diet within your calorie limits. The best exercise is the one you like well enough to do for 45-60 minutes 5-6 days per week. Try as many different things as you have access to and mix it up so you don't get bored.

    Good luck!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    this is 80% nutrition. you should really concentrate on entering all your food into MFP. i hope you don't have your calorie goals set too low. 1lb a week is good if you are starting off. also, buy yourself a food scale. a simple one shouldn't be more then $40. also, go see a nutritionist. you can drop a few pounds just by controling your diet.

    what is your biggest hurdle? mine was portion control. by weighing and measuring my food, i really really learned how to control what i ate, and how i wasn't really hungry, but just wanted to stuff my face.

    good luck to you, and i hope you find what works for you.
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    new here, too...not so new at weigt-loss, so I'm first trying to get my general diet under control. I typically enjoy zumba and bodypump, but it's the bad food choices that push me backward.

    going to try logging everything...again, but mostly I need to cut-out the junk
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    There's no magic diet required, just log your food and stay close to the calorie goal MFP gives you every day. It's honestly that simple. Exercise helps too, just make sure to log it as well. :flowerforyou:
  • nsanati
    nsanati Posts: 40 Member
    Yes, counting calories really put me in touch with how much I was eating ... it's also served as a really good educational tool b/c now, I can guess quite accurately as to how many calories certain foods or meals contain. As a rule of thumb, I try to eat low calorie, low (bad) fat, high fiber and low glycemic index foods. Try to research online ... & I must say: WATER WATER WATER - it's your FRIEND!

    As for exercise, do whatever you like the most, so you stick with it ... even if it's just walking at first. Try tricks like taking the stairs instead of elevators, parking far away from stores, etc. Do you have a wellness program at work? How about friends you can exercise with? Get creative ... GL!
  • Kabula
    Kabula Posts: 97 Member
    Just eat healthy stuff! Whole grains, fruits and vegetable and lean protein-- and exercise! It's a simple formula.. It's just hard to keep with all the fast food and sweet and package foods out there. It's a slow process but it can be done! We are all in the same boat here!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I agree with other posters - don't try to do everything at once - you might burn out. Log your food - get that under control first. Then slowly start adding exercise - build up a routine.

    There are so many resources for exercise. Free stuff on line is a great place to start (,, - you can find something you really like to do. Finding exercise you enjoy is your best bet for a lifestyle change.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Eat clean (natural, non processed foods), eat enough (huge deficits will only increase the chance of losing muscle mass) and track everything. Also, I am a huge fan of p90X, insanity, turbo fire, chalean extreme. In fact, my buddy lost 80 lbs by eating right and doing p90x.

    The biggest thing is educating yourself, understand stuff like BMR and your bodies caloric needs
  • daunna1013
    the best thing ive ever heard.... eat like a diabetic hhahaha .... low sugars moderate carbs ... weight loss is 80 what you put in your mouth :) sugars go right to your belly . Carbs are important so im not saying so low carb we just tend to eat way too many. But of corse everybody is different in the end it will come down to what works best for you and it may take a few moderations here and there to find it. Try to stay on your calorie goal and dont get discouraged! :D Every day is a step in the right direction!
  • akgrl1020
    The best thing I can recommend is portion control. Become a label reader, you will quickly find that serving sizes are not what you see in the picture on the box. Get a food scale to really learn true portion sizes, and weigh everything. Find exercises that you enjoy, even if it is to just get out there and walk. Push yourself harder every time. You have to want this. I have learned this isn't a diet. This has to be a change in the way you value yourself, and how you take care of yourself. Set small goals, especially as you start out, that you can reach quickly, so fifty pounds won't loom to far ahead on the horizon. And if you were like me, I didn't gain the weight overnight, so I didn't expect it to come off overnight. I embraced plateaus as maintenance, then changed things up to keep losing. Good luck!
  • sh3l5
    sh3l5 Posts: 7
    Thank you all for your responces. I agree with them all. I have been looking at things like the Dukan Diet and Akins but to be honest I just want to do things the most natural way. So, I am going to start loggin my food intake. I am going to give it a few days like advised before exercising - maybe start this monday.

    I dont have many friends to exercise with. I cant afford the gym memberships, thats why I have the fitness DVDs.
  • dr26prabu
    Hi Iam a doctor and drinking excessive water can cause intoxication --it should be mixed with electrolytes.
    Usual daily requirement for water is 2liters for average body of 70 kg. Add more if you sweat with excercise. Too much like drinking 5-6 liters may make you unconsious..I have seen pateints with polydipsia with 9 liters being comatose.