Solution to your problem.


My name is Glory and I have a 3 year old son. I use to weight a maximum of 125 pounds but after my son was born I gained weight and went up to 137 than I went on depo and went up to 144 pounds. I looked myself in the mirror and I was unhappy with what I saw. I crashed dieted real bad to the point I went down to 134 in 5 days. I was happy I lost ten pounds but didn't do anything to keep it up. Now I went back up to 140. My suggestion to anyone who is trying to lose weight dont crash diet because you will lose weight and gain just as fast as you lost it. Just make changes in your lifestyle that you can keep and stick to them. For an example I use to eat A plain Bagel with Cream Cheese every morning that was like 350 calories. Now I eat a flavored bagel like raisin or everything bagel and I don't add the cream cheese and I saved my self about 75 calories. I refuse to let go of eating the things I love most and I don't expect you to do it. Start by making a list of things you love to eat and than make a list of things you could substitute it with. Here is my list what is yours?

`Replace two drinks a day with water.
`Eat half a slice of cheesecake instead of a full slice.
`Buy low fat and fat free products like yogurt and milk.


  • afigueroa_pr
    The ideal way to lose weight is to lose about 1-2 pounds a week and that way you don't put it all back quickly. Remember it is not weightloss it is a lifestyle change!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I'm not a fan of the low-fat / no fat junk it also has no taste! Plus that's so .... 90's? Like eggs and cholesterol was so 80's, and now in the 00's and beyond its low carb / no carb but the reduced fat from the 90's is still around.

    Personally I much prefer the full-fat full-flavour milk, cheese, yogurt, salad dressings etc, just... use less! Like your cheese-cake line, you can have the perfectly healthy full-fat milk just use less!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Making changes is really hard for me but I am constantly trying to change. I have given up sugar/artifical sweetners and replaced it with agave nectar, honey and pure maple syrup. They are more expensive so I use much less. I quit eating white flour. That cuts out a lot of foods too. I do allow anything with wheat or other whole grain flours, though I have cut down on how much of that I eat least I am trying to.