
Bunny001 Posts: 50
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
You guys are gonna get so tired of me asking questions!! Ok ...Where I work I start work at 7am in the morning, i walk all day long, I'm a manager in a restaurant and am on my feet till 3pm when i have to do paperwork. I don't get breaks at all, no lunch break, we eat standing, no 15 minute breaks either. I know this has to burn calories, should I include this in my excercise chart some how?? I don't even know how to calculate the miles I walk to put it on the chart. What do you think???


  • You guys are gonna get so tired of me asking questions!! Ok ...Where I work I start work at 7am in the morning, i walk all day long, I'm a manager in a restaurant and am on my feet till 3pm when i have to do paperwork. I don't get breaks at all, no lunch break, we eat standing, no 15 minute breaks either. I know this has to burn calories, should I include this in my excercise chart some how?? I don't even know how to calculate the miles I walk to put it on the chart. What do you think???
  • I would suggest getting a pedometer that measures steps, calories burned and distance. You could then just enter that under cardio as walking.
  • no, you should include this in your goal, in the section where it asks how active you are, you need to put down that you are the most active (the highest level of active you can be on here... whatever that is). Then MFP will take that into account when figuring out how many cals you need to be in a defecit.
  • I think when you complete your profile, it asks you what kind of job you have...i.e., sedentary (sitting all day), lightly active, etc. I think your type of job would be considered highly active and there is probably an example of waitress of something next to it to help you determine this would be you. If you choose that, it will factor it in to your BMR, or basal metabolic rate, which is what the system uses to determine how many calories you burn in a given day just being alive, or doing what you normally do. If you set up your profile that way, it will account for the added physical activity you do, and then you would only need to enter actual workouts or extra physical activity in your exercise log each day. Hope this helps.
  • msujdak
    msujdak Posts: 141
    You need to put this into your profile/goals section. It will ask your daily fitness level i.e, sedentary, somewhat active or very active. This will calculate your calories burned on a daily basis and give you the number of calories you need to eat to eat for your wieght loss goals. Exercise is extra calories burned.
  • I just went in and checked and yes I had active checked, thanks everybody!
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