over eating

i find myself out of boredom or even when im full i eat and it can be healthy stuff but also very fatty stuff.
i was wondering if people have had the same problem and maybee how they have got over it or dealt with it ?
thanks :)


  • hkasel
    hkasel Posts: 69
    Maybe try chewing gum when you want to eat something if you are really not hungry.
  • hojo94
    hojo94 Posts: 140 Member
    I go for gum, OR, look at the success stories on here... It makes you not really want to put stuff in your mouth that you don't need!
  • traceizbiz
    I have the same problem, My worst habit was night time munching when I wasn't hungry, just comfort eating.

    I am not sure there is a magic bullet, I still find it hard. People tell you to do things like, brush your teeth, drink water etc etc etc. For me that makes no difference, it is totally a mind thing.

    I have just said to myself, what do I want more, this food- OR to feel good about myself and to loose weight. So far that has worked for me for the last 10 days I have not done the nighttime munch!!

    In saying that keep some healthy treats around, like low fat frozen yoghurt for those times you really feel like a treat, or make yourself a small fruit platter.

    Good Luck!! :)
  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    Before you decide to eat it - look it up on the database. Either accept it and enjoy it, or say that's not worth the calories. Either way, you're not in denial
  • stephiehampshire
    I have the exact same problem! you will see in my diary today 3 x penguin bars at 106 calories each ... thats 300 extra I needed to burn at the gym!

    I find drinking water instead of snacking, or having things like satsuma and apples around and snacking on them help,

    I also now have a version of snack a jack (called velvet crunch) which are only 80 calories a pack,

    What does help me is if I plan my food for the day ahead and include snacking then I avoid eating out of boredom

    Today was stress eating. .... but I am getting better I left 5 penguins in my draw the old me wouldnt have!
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    I am the same way, so I started to allow myself a cheat meal one time a week, usually on weekends. I then remember even though it tastes good, how crappy and full I feel after which is helping to deter me to making better choices. I also try to drink water when I feel those urges coming on. Also, just trying not to expose yourself uneccessarily to food...for example, we had a catered lunch at work today and I still brought my meal in with me and stuck to that by pre-logging my lunch calories ahead of time. I felt rather triumphant as everyone around me gorged : )
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    If you suspect that you are not really hungry - try drinking water instead.

    *chewing gum is good suggestion too!
  • LaurieEReid
    Gum is good if what you're really after is the chewing sensation. I find that in the afternoon a cup of green tea can really curb hunger and cravings.
  • deegeyspazms
    deegeyspazms Posts: 56 Member
    I over eat when I'm tired - so I try to swap that extra naughty snack for a lie down or a warm bath. Perhaps you could play a game, read a book or make something to take combat the boredom. Hope that doesn't sound too obvious and sorry if I sound like a school teacher.....
  • magcole
    Drink more water throughout the day. Intense exercise also helps decrease hunger. Dr Oz recommended natural organic Chia seeds in a protein shake, ceral, oatmeal -whatever. They absorb 8x their weight and may help you feel full. Did a test and put a teaspoon of Chia in water and watched them swell up and expand in an hour! Got the Chia from Whole Foods. Also heard it can help to have (healthy) soup before a meal. I like to snack on Wasa multigrain crispbread with Hummus. They give a crunchy snack feeling without the guilt of something unhealthy! Edamame (soy) is another great snack!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I know what you mean. My best advice is worked for me. I had to come to think of these fatty foods as "toxic". I realize that seems silly, but in the end, unless you are eating food for it's nutritional worth, it seems to come back to bite you in the butt!

    Now, I'm not saying that food for "fun's" sake doesn't have it's place and we can all rationalize a peice of birthday cake on our special day or some sweets at the holidays, etc. But does everyday have to be like that or should it be like that?

    Food for thought!

    In the end, it will be a mind game you will have to make up for yourself!
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    for me, late nights when we are drinking are the worst for me, and lately its been every night (my man got a promotion) so i've had skinless wings with delicious buffalo sauce, baked chips, and some other things. today im back on track and ready to shed these lbs! hang in there and remember the goal at hand! that's what i need to do too lol
  • zigzag13
    zigzag13 Posts: 24 Member
    yes, that works so good, that's what i do ;)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Keeping your mind occupied works better than anything else. If you're actively doing something you won't be eating out of boredom. Try reading a book, doing a crossword puzzle, or taking up a new hobby instead of just watching tv or doing nothing.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I started using my spare time to go out...either shopping, or to the gym... now tend to spend 2 hours at the gym each time... thats 2 hours of NOT eating and adding calories and 2 hours of burning them! Helps space out my day and make me eat later at night so I don't have as many hours or urge to get hungry and snack between dinner and bed.
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    I can't stand Gum, what I have done over the past year is made sure that I have something else to do. I mean it sounds silly to say it out loud, but honestly that's what I did.

    I always found myself wandering to the fridge of an evening to fill my face when I was bored. So I have taken up knitting. I'm learning to swim. I see my friends and family more often. It's made me more active and honestly because I'm busier, I'm sleeping better.

    Change your habits slowly, take up a new hobby. I promise you it works!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Sean, you joined in October and haven't filled anything out about yourself. Do you have any interests? Hobbies? What do you enjoying doing when not in school or working or whatever else you do? If you've lost track of things you used to love to do then think about what those things were and the possibility of starting them up again. Could take your mind off of food and you won't feel as bored too.

    Good luck to you
  • Leanne_fat2fab
    Leanne_fat2fab Posts: 73 Member
    I have the same problem. Over eatting is in the mind, so when you feel you want to pick up the candy or bag of chips you need to fight your mind and say NO, and pick up an apple, or any low calorie snacks. Your should start by getting rid of the fatty foods. When it's sitting there in the pantry or in the fridge your mind goes right to that instead of reaching for the healthier things. Over eating is something I've dealt with forever and I've learned to control my own mind, don't let the food control you.
  • try2basunbeam
    I know i am going to eat late so i do my best to plan. Late at night i want salty and crunchy so i get a small bowl with ruffled chips and nibble. I know it is not the best food choice but it fizes my urge. If i went with an apple i would still eat the chips anyway. So for me the planning saves me. Just putting a small portion in the bowl makes me not overindulge and i am satisfied because i ate What i wanted.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I have huge issues with over eating but I'm learning to overcome them. My biggest problem is when I have food in front of me that is not on my plate and I continue to eat by picking at it. I've gotten past that by filling my plate with the measured amount of food on it in the kitchen and bring it to the table. We almost never have any food on our table for this reason. If the kids want more they just ask and I have to get up and go into the kitchen to get it.

    As for snacking.....I don't keep things I don't want to eat in the house and I log everything. I work really really hard to not have the snacks out unless I'm going to eat them and have the calories for them. (out of sight out of mind)

    I also pre-log my food for the day. I bring my breakfast and lunch to work and then I pre-plan my dinner so I know what we are having. Meal planning has also helped my budget as well as my waistline because I know exactly what needs to go on my grocery list!! I leave very little, if any, room for eating outside my plan. When I have a plan I keep to it.

    Now coming up are holidays with little to no plan. This is when I worry I will overeat. Should be interesting to see how I do!!!