My Commitment to MFP participants everywhere!

I did survive my “Hot Yoga” class this morning! However I am still closer to a Smiling Buddha than “Arnold Schwarzenegger!”

This brings up the next point however. A week ago I posted what currently resides in my home gym for equipment and discovered that many of you would give your eye teeth to have what currently is just gathering dust in my basement! So here and now I am committing to using one piece of the equipment for a minimum of 20 minutes three times a week (Wed, Sat and Sun) these are the days I have time to do this!

Once in a while I will squeeze in a walk with the dog but I will no longer let that be my only exercise outside my “Hot Yoga” classes that take place Tuesday and Thursday mornings for an hour each!

First exercise will be cleaning the dust off of my gym equipment tomorrow night!

Thanks for cheering me on!
