Over on protein

Bunny001 Posts: 50
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I had my first day at work since joining here , I wasn't looking forward to it. I work in a restaurant. Because of the way I have to work, no breaks, eating on the run, I make very bad choices there. Today I did really well but about 10am till 11 am I was starving , even after eating snacks, what helped me get through it was eating 4 ounces of turkey lunch meat. I just ate the lunch meat with no bread, I think I just needed the protein or something, I don't know but now I'm -18 for my protein but still have calories left from the day. What does this do?? I have found that i can't go more than a couple hours without eating something. I feel like a real pig cause knowbody else at work does this! Everybody else can go till luch without eating. I can't!! If i don't eat every couple hours I will start shoving food in my mouth that isn't gonna be good. Is it better to eat more protein or should i eat more carbs?? This is what I ate: Breakfast shredded wheat ( 2 biscuits)with 1/2 cup milk and 2 tsp sugar - apple snack - 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup pineapple chunks, apple. After eating that i was still starving before lunch.....what's wrong with me????!!!


  • I had my first day at work since joining here , I wasn't looking forward to it. I work in a restaurant. Because of the way I have to work, no breaks, eating on the run, I make very bad choices there. Today I did really well but about 10am till 11 am I was starving , even after eating snacks, what helped me get through it was eating 4 ounces of turkey lunch meat. I just ate the lunch meat with no bread, I think I just needed the protein or something, I don't know but now I'm -18 for my protein but still have calories left from the day. What does this do?? I have found that i can't go more than a couple hours without eating something. I feel like a real pig cause knowbody else at work does this! Everybody else can go till luch without eating. I can't!! If i don't eat every couple hours I will start shoving food in my mouth that isn't gonna be good. Is it better to eat more protein or should i eat more carbs?? This is what I ate: Breakfast shredded wheat ( 2 biscuits)with 1/2 cup milk and 2 tsp sugar - apple snack - 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup pineapple chunks, apple. After eating that i was still starving before lunch.....what's wrong with me????!!!
  • eat some peanut butter... the all natural kind with no salt. Also, cottage cheese is high in protein... at least Nordica cottage cheese is.

    edit: I seem to have misread your post... sorry! disregard this!
  • Hmm....a teacher once told me that eating carbs could be better than eating a bunch of protein because it keeps you energized longer. I don't know about whether it keeps you from being hungry longer, though. Maybe try some yogurt & granola with fruit for breakfast? I found that stuff like that kept me full and I was content until my next meal. Like....around lunch time I'd be just beginning to get a tiny bit hungry...so I didn't need to snack at all between meals. Maybe it'll work for you, too?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    your added sugar and sugary fruit makes you hungry after eating it...sugar is a double killer for trying to limit calories and eat good

    it is hard to drop adding sugar but it will make a world of difference after you adjust
  • deb201
    deb201 Posts: 7 Member
    Isn't it better for weight loss to eat every few hours anyway? Looks like you are eating too many carbs at breakfast - try some egg whites, or a hard-boiled egg for breakfast . Peanut butter on some whole wheat toast is good, or a high-fiber cereal (like Kashi) with skim milk and some fruit. Fiber is filling - so the more grams the better. I eat breakfast around 9 and am hungry at around 11 - so I'll have a non-fat yogurt, or a low-fat mozzarella cheese stick, or an apple in between breakfast and lunch. I do the same thing in between lunch and dinner.
  • There's a famous study about a guy in the civil war who was shot in the stomach and the wound never closed. So a doctor tied different types of food to a string and stuck it in the hole to see how long it took to digest (no lie this is a true story, it was in my son's college nutrition text book) . Foods with simple sugars dissolved first, carbs took a bit longer, and a piece of meat was almost unchanged for almost 24 hours. The moral of the story? Meat takes the longest to pass out of your stomach, and so has the longest "sticking" power.
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