Hi, I'm new!

Well, I've been trying to diet for a few years now. I was always a slim girl when I was younger, up until I turned 10/11 years old when I had my tonsils out. Ever since, I've been very up and down with weight. The longest diets I have stuck to was once in 2008 around March and continued till July, I lose around 2 stone, eating 3 meals a day, drinking 4 litres of water and doing 60 sit ups a day and I was very happy, until our house burnt down on the 7th July 08 and we were made homeless for 6 months (We lived in a converted stable during that 6 month period) and lived on take aways and microwave meals. Needless to say, I put it all back on, and more, and I have let it get out of hand. In August I started a Ketosis diet, and ended up falling ill from eating meat constantly. I kept at that diet for 5 or 6 weeks and lost over a stone, but as soon as I come off it, my weights rocketed up again.

I own 10 horses, 5 whom currently live out, and 5 who live in. So that's part of my excercise, as of the end of this month, it will be back to mucking out 10 horses a day, so more work. We also have a cross trainer, and I've only been on it twice, but I plan to do atleast 10 to 20 minutes on it a day (Along with mucking out) and hopefully fitting horse riding in 3 days a week.

We breed Andalusian horses, so I plan to do this and keep them for life, it's my dream job.

I'm just really down lately, I find my weight is starting to put a strain on my legs and my knees ache and my backs starting to hurt, and I'm only 23. It sounds very silly, but being overweight is ruining my life, I cannot bear to stay at a job because I don't want people to see me, I don't horse ride because I get abuse from people, and the last time I rode, I had kids throw bricks at me and my horse. I love to swim, but I cannot bare the thought of people looking at me, and I'm just overall, really really self concious.

I need to be shouted at if I go of course.

My biggest problems are alcohol and chocolate. I mainly drink cider and wine at home, but if I go out, I drink alcopops and cocktails (I've planned not to go out till after chrismas) Chocolate and anything sweet. I also tend to like bread alot, but I have cut down on it alot. I also need to go back on the water, because I know that helped me ALOT.

Anyway, sorry for babbling on, but I just really want to be able to wear the clothes I like, to break in my own horses and train them. I also have two 14:3hh mares that I need to ride, but need to lose a bit more weight just to be able to do so. I will try and keep up, this website may just be the answer.


  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Hi Melissa

    Welcome to MFP. You 've joined a great site here, and I'm sure you'll find all the support you need. You sound like you've been having a bit of a tough time and your confidence has taken a bit of a battering. You need to try and get back out there to do things for yourself. If people are saying things about you riding your horses, then they're probably just jealous, but then its easy for me to say that, and I know how hard it must be for you to face your fears of going out, but you need to do it. The longer you leave it the harder it will be.

    You only get one crack at life and at 23yrs old, you have yours stretched out in front of you. Its time to grab it with both hands and live it. If you want to lose weight, we are right behind you, but people need to accept you for the person you are inside, not how you look or how much you weigh.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I will support you in any way I can

    Andie xx :flowerforyou:
  • swtgrl42
    swtgrl42 Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome Melissa. I am new as well and have found this site incredibly motivating and inspirational. feel free to add me as a friend. Good Luck!
  • Thankyou so much both of you x I will do :) It will definetly help me!

    I forgot to add that I'm also a lazy person.

    I cannot get out of bed in the morning, it's a massive issue, I always hit the snooze button.

    And when I come in from stables, I just go upstairs and sit on my computer until 1AM, sometimes 2/3, or 4 on the weekends. It's bad! But I am planning to stop, I will go to bed after I have finished typing out this post and sorting a few things.

    I'll add what I do in a day.

    It's REALLY bad. I don't have a job, apart from sorting my horses.

    We have 5 horses in, 5 out.

    I get up late, I end up rushing out to the stables, then me and my mum put a horse out each (1 stallion stays in because we do not put them out together, but they alternate days and their fine) I muck out 2 stables, my mum mucks out 2 stables, and then we both do the other (He's only a miniature pony, so it's not much) together. Each stable (Apart from the mini) has around 1 and a half wheelbarrows out, so we wheel it to the muck heap to empty. We do alot of walking back and forth. My mum fills the waterbuckets, I get some clean straw for the beds, and then we both collect haynets together and fill them. We used to carry the haynets to the stables (Hay is stored over by the house atm) but now we put them on the wheel barrow and wheel them up to the stable, because we both have a bit of a back problem, my mum suffering mainly because her and my dad were in a car crash a few years back. Which is another reason why I need to lose this weight, because I know at some point, with all the other on-going problems my mum has, that soon she will not be able to help me with the horses, and I need to be fit to be able to sort them all out myself at some point. We also have ducks, but it doesn't take 2 minutes to muck them out and give them food and water.

    I've just had a little gander through the website, and stumbled across the Success Stories section, and am so amazed and happy at how well people have done! They look absolutely fantastic! So I will definetly be asking them for adive when I go off the rails a bit (I'm hoping I won't, but we have our days)

    I am planning to do the stables, 30 minutes on cross trainer and Kinect, clean my bedroom, wash every bit of clothing I own and finally put them in my new wardrobes, then once that is done, go back out to the stables to bed them all down for the night. Ofcourse while eating healthy.

    Any ideas of what I could have for breakfast? I cannot stand milk/butter (unless a little butter on toast), so cereal is definetly not on the list, and I don't like porridge or anything like that. Fruit... Well we don't really have any around the house and I only really like Strawberries :/

    I should mention I am a really fussy eather, and refuse to eat fish also :/

    I am a pain in the bum!

    Thanks again guys! Definetly inspiration here <3