Frustrating! Diary check?



  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    Okay I'm going to say something kind of crazy....I think you need to eat more. Your very close to an ideal weight for your height, when I got really close to my goal weight, I had to eat every single calorie and exercise calorie, or I would stop losing weight.

    You are doing these very intense workouts, your body needs that fuel, and if you don't eat it your body will save it, in the form of body fat. You are actually eating at a 500 calorie deficit, which is 1lbs per week, I say this because it seemed to me you were leaving about 250 to 350 calories behind a day and you have a .5lbs a day deficit which is 250. So together your looking at 500 calories or more. That's to great a deficit for these intense workouts and you new tiny size.

    It is my, albeit crazy, opinion that with these very long workout your body just can't feel comfortable shedding those last few pounds without you eating all the calories it needs for a day.

    I know, Crazy but that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. Good luck on your journey. You look kick *kitten* by the way, just the way you are.

    I totally agree with Paige. Exercise less. EAT MORE. I'm 5'7", and when I started here weighed 165lbs. I now weigh between 125 and 130. The last 10 lbs were the hardest and exercise had VERY LITTLE to do with be able to lose them. When I first started here, I ate 1200 cals a day, but as I kept losing weight, I continued upping my calories. I still lost weight. For the last 10 lbs my daily goal here on MFP was 1530 calories. If I exercised, I ate 75% to ALL of those calories back. I cut out processed foods, watched my sugar intake, upped my protein and tried to get my carbs from fruits & veggies, not fillers like breads & pasta. Even whole grain.

    When I got to the point where I only had 10-15lbs left to go, I tried staying on "1lb/week" but found I didn't lose anything. I adjusted the goal to lose .5lb/week and almost immediately started shedding the weight again.

    This is what has worked for me. Everyone is different of course, but I've given friends similar advice and like Paige's friend, they disagreed the whole time they were doing it but eventually lost the weight following this advice.

    You look awesome regardless so keep up to the good work! I'm sure with a little trial and error you'll figure it out in the end. Feel free to msg me if you have any questions!
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    In addition to what others have said, add SUGAR as one of your items to track.... and watch the sugar and sodium intake. Understand the soup/sodium issue lately, but.... always good to watch those 2 items. Also processed foods have lots of sodium and sugar. Try to eat less processed/packaged foods.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    I'm having this exact problem and could really do with advice? I'm so sceptical about my caloried burned on here as i'm not using a HRM.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm having this exact problem and could really do with advice? I'm so sceptical about my caloried burned on here as i'm not using a HRM.

    I wouldn't use MFP for calories burned - IMO they are too high for the average person. I have a HRM and found that no matter what I am doing - be it kickboxing, strength circuit, ellipitical my average burn is 10 calories a I use that as a basis for all my workouts for now...rather than wearing my HRM every time I work out...I then minus out some to account for the ramp up to burning 10 calories/ last night I did about a 45 minute kickboxing class - when I put it in MFP it came up with almost 600 calories burned - I adjusted it to 375.

    I do wear my HRM about every 3 weeks to make sure the burn is still about the same...
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member

    I wouldn't use MFP for calories burned - IMO they are too high for the average person. I have a HRM and found that no matter what I am doing - be it kickboxing, strength circuit, ellipitical my average burn is 10 calories a I use that as a basis for all my workouts for now...rather than wearing my HRM every time I work out...I then minus out some to account for the ramp up to burning 10 calories/ last night I did about a 45 minute kickboxing class - when I put it in MFP it came up with almost 600 calories burned - I adjusted it to 375.

    I do wear my HRM about every 3 weeks to make sure the burn is still about the same...

    Completely agree about MFP being a bit high. I have been toying with finally getting an HRM, but I like the idea of using an average burn of 10 cal/minute for simplicity. I already pare down my exercise calories, and this would probably be even more conservative. but that's not a bad thing.

    Great idea!!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Looks like your are doing what I do, I was wondering if maybe when you put in your goals in the settings that you put high activity level and your exercise has already been added and then you are adding it again? I don't know, I haven't had any problem losing and I work out and eat my exercise calories.