Not So Good Doctor Report



  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    Your getting a lot of good information from lots of people here!!! If you can afford WW for a while then maybe give it a whirl - however to save yourself some money try using MFP at the same time as WW until you are comfortable with making healthier decisions. Being an X-WW member - this site is so more real as you can imagine because in the real world there are real calories not points - the available information on this site far surpasses anything WW has to offer about food/nutrition/exercise (you will be very hard pressed to find a portion of the restaurant information or nutritional info about foods on the WW site) - and most of all SUPPORT.

    Lots of great suggestions to about seeing a nutritionist about setting up a specific plan for your needs (which can still work on MFP - again so flexible).

    Most of all know your not alone - there are lots of people here with lots of health issues who are more than willing to help through the tough times.

    Best of luck in making your decision. Hope to see you around and find out how things are going!!!
  • saffir27
    saffir27 Posts: 68 Member
    I have been on WW and was quite sucesful. The key is to find a meeting that you like the leader. If you don't like the leader you will never attend. But I agree with a number of other people ask for a referal to a dietician. Most insurance companies will cover the cost.
  • NickyCat101
    Is this an old doctor? These seem like very old ways of thinking, if you ask me.

    You should look at the glycemic load diet :) I have insulin resistance and I do a combination of the Insulin Resistance diet and the Glycemic Load diet.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Wow... no offense, but your doctor sounds like an a**hole. Why is he being so inflexible with you? I get that you have some major medical concerns now and he's trying to get your attention, but he doesn't seem to be going about it in a very professional manner. If I were in your shoes, I'd seek out a second--and hopefully more tactful and professional--opinion on all of your diagnoses and on choosing/designing a weight loss program that suits you.

    WW is great, for many people, but it's one of many weight loss strategies that are effective. WW isn't the only way to go and since MFP is FREE to use by all, it seems very unreasonable for him to ask you to start forking over your hard earned cash for services that are entirely way too costly. Pay money to lose weight? Yeah, right. If you want to pay to seek the advice of a QUALIFIED nutrition and fitness expert, by all means, go for it. That is never a bad idea. WW representatives are not experts on exercise, physiology, and nutrition; only sales, recruitment, and marketing. No offense intended to anyone who is a WW rep.

    Cutting carbohydrates out of your diet completely is not the answer. Replacing simple carbohydrates and sugars not naturally found in foods (like high fructose corn syrup; bad stuff) with complex carbohydrates and more naturally occurring sugars (like fructose, found in fruits) is the best route I think. Carbohydrates are the easiest source of energy for your body to break down, next is fat, and the hardest is protein. Complex carbs (whole wheat, corn, oats, brown rice... any grain products that is "whole grain" without being enriched with an additive) take longer for your body to break down and are better for you (they don't spike your insulin like sugary foods do). Sorry for rambling... Anyways, your doctor is on CRACK. Be wise and get another opinion.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Like someone else said...If you can afford WW then it is a highly successful program. As far as your Doc saying to give up all carbs if you decide to go it alone - I'm not one to tell someone to go against their Doc's advice but that sounds a bit extreme. I would get a 2nd opinion from a another Doc or at least a nutritionist or dietician. Best of luck to you! You are moving in the right direction by taking this first step!!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    WW isn't a be-all-end-all. I'd ask for a referral to a dietician or nutritionist and build a plan with them.

    +1 A good dietician or nutritionist will tailor a plan to your needs.
  • lisashorter
    Thank you everyone for the advice. However, I do want to take a quick second to defend my doctor. He's really an excellent doctor, and I apologize if I made him sound bad. I had no intentions of doing so. I'm just a little overwhelmed at the moment.
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    Eliminate all carbs except light fruits and vegetables (see the 17-Day Diet for a good list) while you lose the weight. Do NOT eliminate all fats -- be sure to include at least one serving of olive oil or similar fat. Otherwise, you will get ridiculously constipated and your skin will dry out.

    WW doesn't do the no-carb thing. They keep "good carbs" in. It never worked for me. Grains are my enemy, and could contribute to the IBS.

    Fibrocystic disease is generally caused by stress and hormones. I've had it for years -- never had surgery or any treatment. Cutting back on caffeine and taking Vitamin E helps with the pain, which mostly occurs in the latter half of the cycle.

    I'm not thrilled with doctors and their knowledge of real life right now. It seems all they are interested in is heavy-duty treatments, like drugs and surgery. So I admit, my bias flared when I read your post.

    You can use MFP, but you need a plan. I suggest the 17-Day Diet. It worked well for me as long as I stayed on the Accelerate Cycle (cycle 1) while losing weight. Then you can add carbs back in slowly to see what your tolerance is. If you follow the food choices of the diet for 7-10 days, you will lose your cravings for carbs.

    Good luck.