Men who started @ 300+ lb w/sedentary lifestyle



  • andy_gilfrin
    I was 349 at the start, as others have said if he is truly committed he shouldn't be having any issues dropping weight as it comes off really easily when doing the right things and you start so high.

    Walking is the only thing I have done, at first it was maybe 5-6 miles a week so not what you would call extreme. I now do maybe 20 miles a week, but that's really the only exercise I do at the moment.

    My big problem was always portion control, or lack of it. Even food many people would consider healthy really racks up the calories when the portion size increases. Stuff like Pasta, Wholegrain bread, nuts and so on have a large number of calories and most people eat 2 or 3 times the recommended serving size of those. BrewerGeorge also have it right if your friend drinks then that can also really pack in the calories.