Can I ask a question?



  • MrsHyland
    MrsHyland Posts: 87 Member
    I meant the first part about counting it as exercise as a joke. I just want to clear that up. Some of the responses makes me think people didn't get the humor. Sorry.
    Have you been around the forums long? A sincere question like that is nothing out of the ordinary.

    Nope, I just started here yesterday. I guess I should have made myself more clear in the original post. Sorry again.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I meant the first part about counting it as exercise as a joke. I just want to clear that up. Some of the responses makes me think people didn't get the humor. Sorry.
    Have you been around the forums long? A sincere question like that is nothing out of the ordinary.
    Nope, I just started here yesterday. I guess I should have made myself more clear in the original post. Sorry again.
    Don't apologize! Glad you're here. It's hard to note sarcasm when it's just text. Try throwing in a :wink: next time. :laugh:
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I meant the first part about counting it as exercise as a joke. I just want to clear that up. Some of the responses makes me think people didn't get the humor. Sorry.
    Have you been around the forums long? A sincere question like that is nothing out of the ordinary.

    Nope, I just started here yesterday. I guess I should have made myself more clear in the original post. Sorry again.

    I thought it was funny. I got it. And as for the real question, it got better for me, I hope it gets better for you too.

    Good luck and Welcome to the forum. Keep asking questions and your going to need your sense of humor on this journey so keep that too.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I meant the first part about counting it as exercise as a joke. I just want to clear that up. Some of the responses makes me think people didn't get the humor. Sorry.

    I was hoping it was a joke, but you never do know around here. Keep the sense of humor; you're going to need it if you hang around. Good luck to you!