Any insulin resistant, or type II diabetic teens or 20 somet

I would really like to meet you! I've been insulin resistant since age 12 (I'm 19, 20 in Feb) and type II diabetes is very strong in my mum's family. My dad has pre-diabetes, and 4 out of 6 children in my mum's family also have this. I was told a couple years ago that in 10 years or so I would need insulin just like my mum does, and TBH I'm terrified!


  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    Hey :) I'm 25 and a type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed as type 2 when I was 18, and it wasn't until I was 24 (and multiple insulins later) that my diabetes team determined that I was in fact a type 1.

    I can promise you that if you end up needing insulin, it will be the best thing you ever do. It will give you the control over your blood sugars once you learn how your body reacts to insulin use and carbohydrates. It may be a bit intimidating, but it is not the worst thing that could ever happen to a person.

    I'll add you as a friend, and maybe sometime we can chat some more about this sometime if you'd like!
  • Oh wow, that's so interesting! Do you know why it took the team to determine that? Or just that they considered everything differently than they originally thought?

    My mum was diagnosed as type 2 when she was 41, she's now 50, and has been on insulin for about 5 years (I think). I'm terrified of it, because I haven't been the best at controlling it as it is (I'm taking 850mg metformin twice a day along with 10mg lisinopril for microalbuminuria which is apparently a side effect of my diabetes)

    Thanks so much, it'd be good to chat to somebody who knows about diabetes rather than having to explain everything! :)
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    My mom was a juvenile diabetic (age 8), she passed away in '09 from a long drawn out bs thing. but after that I was told that I had type II Diabetes...I'm not sure how long Ive had it(I'm 26), but I know my sugar is out of control, and the medicine that the doctor had given me didnt do anything. I was diagnosed with PCOS, and have heard that it causes insulin resistance...Im not sure if my wires are getting crossed somewhere. But for now I'm type II and PCOS, feel free to add me.
  • Hiya :)

    I'm sorry to hear about your mum. My friend is going through a similar experience with her dad whose the same. I think you should go back to your doctor, voice your opinions and go from there. Perhaps your doc can change your medication. Are you taking metformin, or something else? I've heard about PCOS being rife in insulin resistant ladies and type II diabetics, but I've been tested a few times for it and never been formally diagnosed with it. But yeah paying your GP a visit is definitely worth doing. You need to have the right medication (I don't even think mine is exactly right for me after it made my periods stop, but for now it's working).
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    I was taking metformin and then I got switched to janumet...but it wasnt being digested. In all seriousness the pill was coming out as a solid as if it hadnt even been through my digestive system. I'm in the process of switching to a different gyno, because this one...well he doesnt seem to really care. And I also need to switch my physician because he feels the same way to yeah we'll see how that goes.
  • mamieblueeyes
    mamieblueeyes Posts: 36 Member
    I'm 25 and insulin resistant. I have been diagnosed with it for three years now along with underactive thyroid and PCOS. I am and have been on Metformin 500mg 2x daily and it seems to really help with how I feel, energy level, weight loss, and regulating my menstrual cyle. Feel free to add me as a friend, I have a long weight loss journey ahead of me!!
  • I just found out that I have insulin resistance and PCOS after 5 years of irregular periods and a gyno who didn't care. I've sort of been freaking out thinking that I will develop type II diabetes and may not be able to conceive. Any help or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!
  • I just found out that I have insulin resistance and PCOS after 5 years of irregular periods and a gyno who didn't care. I've sort of been freaking out thinking that I will develop type II diabetes and may not be able to conceive. Any help or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!

    WTF! I can't believe the gyno didn't care. My GP thought it was weird that I had irregular periods (I still do) but I had a bunch of tests to rule things out- coeliac disease, PCOS, thyroid, low blood pressure. They came back normal and now I'm still being treated as a type ll diabetic with insulin resistance.

    You're doing really well atm though, by losing 19 pounds. That's a great start :) Are you taking Metformin? Or any other medication for your insulin resistance?
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member