Ways to keep exercise interesting and burn calories faster



  • sunnyzephyr
    I make some kick *kitten* playlists full of upbeat songs that I LOVE, and then ONLY let myself listen to them when I'm working out. Then I actually want to.

    Another thing that I noticed music is really helpful for, is keeping you going. For some reason when I am running and I start to get really tired, the sound of my heavy breathing is what makes me notice that I am tired. But if I can't hear my breathing (because of the music) then I tend to not feel as tired and can go much longer.
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    I make some kick *kitten* playlists full of upbeat songs that I LOVE, and then ONLY let myself listen to them when I'm working out. Then I actually want to.

    Another thing that I noticed music is really helpful for, is keeping you going. For some reason when I am running and I start to get really tired, the sound of my heavy breathing is what makes me notice that I am tired. But if I can't hear my breathing (because of the music) then I tend to not feel as tired and can go much longer.

    Yes. Music is my secret weapon also. Distracts you and takes your mind off it. Especially if you are singing along!
  • BenderFitness
    I do strength training workouts, that include cardio. That way you are getting a fast, super intense workout. Also, I switch the exercises and combinations every day so I don't get bored. I keep track of all my workouts on my blog, and post the videos on youtube.

    Cardio is always great for you, but it is fun to try new things sometimes too. :)