
Hello to all.I've just reached my 34 bday and I'm realizing the weight doesn't come off as easy as it use to.I started on this site during the summer and I was pumped up but then one day turned into two and before you know it I wasn't logging in at all.I decided not only for my health but for my life that it is important to take control of my body.when I do take off all this weight I would love to help others battle the bulge and just be an inspiration.I would love to be a yoga instructor one day.I've always been fascinated by those who practice it with ease.I start doing it and I'm a mess on the look forward to whatever motivation any of u can provide and I in turn will do the's to battling it together...


  • sarahs440
    you have amazing goals and I wish you the best of luck. I don;t have any magic advice other than just try to stick to it, even when you don't feel like it. You CAN do this! I never in a million years thought I could get this far. It takes a lot of patience. And dedication. good luck and feel free to friend me for motivation:)
  • bluedee77
    Thanks so much Sarah for the encouragement.:)and your absolutely right.