Can't use the "I just had a baby" excuse anymore



  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member

    im charlotte 21 with 2 kids daughter whos 4 and son whos almost 6 weeks and i need to get myself back on track as i have put on 2 stone in the past nearly 2 years since meeting my partner! so started yesterday on getting my weight down :bigsmile: and my plan is to loose atleast 30lb

    i find everyone trys to feed me if i say im trying to eat healthy go round to my mums have dinner which is fine then anything left she puts onto my pate!!!!! :grumble: not even my older brothers plate who could do with some fat on him. my bloody plate! my partner yesterday decided to buy me 2 bags of sweets the tonite says we are going to watch film with loads of snacks :grumble:

    I hate that! So frustrating! Well just after writing this post yesterday, I've had tons of help and motivation from people. I hope you get the same! Send me a FR and we can help each other :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    i know its horrible its like the are trying to makeyou put on 2lbs instead of lossing it. and if i say oh i have lost x amount i get......were from your ears :ohwell: sent you a FR :)

    showed my partner all my calories etc my goals on here last nite very proud of myself as he has decided to help me (not loose anything himself tho) he went to the shop last nite and instead of buying sweets for me he came back with a bottle of ice tea awww :laugh: but he sat and ate a pick a mix to himself!

    My honey has been really supportive too so that's awesome. This morning I told him I'm 1 oz away from losing another lb and he was super happy for me. He even said he wants to go on my walk with me tomorrow morning if he's home from work! :)!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    aw thats really good you have his support aswell always helps i think. did you go your walk? how far do you walk? my partner is saying we are getting up early on sat and we are doing the 4 mile walk around the forest with the kids and dog :happy: he bought me chocolate lastnite because he seen i had extra calories left so i only ate 6 squares and saved the rest for a day i have been really working out :bigsmile:

    when does everyone weigh themselfs? i weigh on a tuesday and im actually quite excited as it will be my first weigh in :smile:
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    I lost track through the holidays, but am now back at it. How is everyone else doing? My news feed has been pretty quiet lately so I think others must have lost track also. Feel free to add me and we can get this going again.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I lost track through the holidays, but am now back at it. How is everyone else doing? My news feed has been pretty quiet lately so I think others must have lost track also. Feel free to add me and we can get this going again.

    A lot of people take time off on the holidays - I'm still here though! Just I have so many friends at this point it's getting hard to comment on everyone - I'll try to keep an eye out for your updates!
  • MamaEggs
    MamaEggs Posts: 29 Member
    I see your updates on my timeline still :)
  • booners1
    HI everyone. I am just starting and looking for some support buddies. My youngest son is 22 months old and I am struggling to lose weight...I am sitting at 212 pounds right now which is completely unacceptable, but I am determined to lose weight as we are going to be trying for our third baby in the next 6 months!