Stuff I love (not related to food).

bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
Having a slightly stressful day. I thought I would make a list of things that cheer me up that have nothing to do with food. I already started that whine thread so this is to balance that out. :)

Rainy Days!

Animals. Especially cats. Especially my cat. No. That is not my cat.

I like napping. And sleeping (Yes, I like puppies, too).

The Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver, BC (and First nations art in general)

Dinosaurs! My fave are deinonychus!


I miss living up North and seeing the Northern Lights.



Brussels Griffons- I want to own another one some day.


That's it for now...


  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member

    I really love SNOW!
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    (but I'm pretty sure he doesn't love me back:love: )
  • bflicker11
    I love Sunday nights at 9 pm. I watch Boardwalk Empire and lose myself for an hour!!
  • RafterRattler
    Is this the thread where we trash people for what they like, or should I go to the whine thread? :tongue:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I love Lyle McDonald! :D


    little dresses like this one i just bought :]
  • mmhenry28
    mmhenry28 Posts: 163 Member
    I love cold breezes on my skin when its hot.

    I love diving under water and listening to how quiet it is

    I love having a beer after a really hard day doing manual labour (renovations etc)

    I love putting on brand new dresses
  • ImperfectXion
    ImperfectXion Posts: 6 Member
    I love when my boyfriend holds me during a thunderstorm. ~
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    The things I love:

    My wife (before and after MFP)

    My two kids

    MFP (for obvious reasons ^^)

    Photographing "those special moments" and models..


    My truck

    My old love


    And...I suppose I can say I love the Army since I'm going on 14 years.
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    Cool. But aren't lobsters food (I mean, they are in a pot, so I was just assuming...) Cute kids! :)
  • cufirst84
    cufirst84 Posts: 127 Member
    i love giraffes .. watching my kids smile..rainbows after a rain shower...sunday night football... holding babies...the smell of coffee...but i mostly LOVE Friday Family Pizza night !!
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Is this the thread where we trash people for what they like, or should I go to the whine thread? :tongue:

    Eventually someone will take offense to what someone likes and then it will deteriorate to everyone leaving snarky comments about how that particular person is bitter, judgemental, a "hater", or otherwise offensive. Before it does so, I'd like to add my own stuff I love:
    1. A big book that I can lose myself in.
    2. Cats
    3. The smell of my partners hair
    4. The sheets one has that are so so soft and omg so comfy.
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    How can people posting stuff they like that isn't food-based deteriorate to snarky comments? If that's going to happen, it's going to happen everywhere else...
  • RafterRattler
    Awe come on. Lighten up. It was targeted at the Costner comment, and I was completely kidding. I'm actually enjoying this thread.
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    Glad you like the thread. Threads about happy stuff are nice! :)
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    A really good movie.
    Coming home to an empty house (does not happen all that often anymore).
    The sound of my children laughing.
    Retail therapy in a smaller size.
    Weekend get-a-ways with the girls.
    The change of seasons.
    The sound of the ocean.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I don't have anything particularly enlightening to say. I'm just enjoying the oddly pleasurable feel of the computer keys as I type...

    I dream of sharing wisdom with others, but find I have none to offer, just random thoughts of no particular import...

    The smell of freshly mowed grass could cause universal peace if tense world leaders would just lie down and breathe...

    A hot, steamy shower after a cold, rainy run is bliss...

    E-books are all well and good but they don't smell right and they lack the wonderful feel and sound of crisp pages being turned. I love the chaos of books lying about...

    If you could purr, I'd curl up in your lap forever...

    Of the many enviable physical gifts that have been bestowed upon cats, their method of bathing is substandard to ours...

    Birds can fly and they are beautiful, but their method of bathing is also substandard...

    Hot, soft and spicy...

    Clean, crisp, cool and tight...

    I don't understand people who think sleeping is a waste of time, they are obviously doing it wrong...

    Laughter is a gift. Even that damned nervous laughter during funerals, that I personally feel is directly caused by the deceased having fun...

    Dancing, wrapped in someone's arms, moving to music is beyond words...

    Dancing to loud, rowdy tunes and singing at the top of your lungs is joy...

    Kneading dough causes incredible upper body strength. I should open a gym that involves pasta making...

    Sweet or savory. Hot or cold. Blanketed by tender, flaky crust...I could write an ode to pie...

    Water is miraculous and feels so good...

    Strong forearms are a feast for the eyes...

    The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog...there, I got to use all the letters at least twice...still loving the feel of the computer keys...

    Stationery stores are my secret vice. I cannot resist office supplies...

    I love the woodsy smell of Home Depot and detest the rubber smell of Canadian Tire, yet find myself in Canadian Tire more frequently...

    It is unfair that a woman who runs gets "sort of" nice calf muscles and must do other exercises for the look she wants and a man who runs gets "cut" calves two minutes after starting out...

    Flies exist to amuse cats and dogs...

    Mosquitoes exist to give people purpose...eradication...

    I exist to experience it eradication...
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    I am a woman and I have huge calf muscles. They are actually too big, look like pop-eye legs, and I don't have run that much. :)
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I wish. I have calf muscles, too, just not the nice cut, well defined ones. Hence the fitness and weight loss site.
  • branflake5
    I love my 3 perfect, brilliant children

    I love cuddling up under big comfy blankets on cold days

    I love sleeping in

    I love clouds

    I love thunder and lightening storms

    I love to snuggle
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    1) I love my husband
    2) I love my dog Daisy
    3) I love my cat Ash
    4) I love the smell of fresh mowed grass
    5) I love the feel of a soft rain on my skin
    6) I love to snuggle under a warm comfy blanket on a cold night with my husband
    7) I love the feel of my husbands arm around me holding me tight
    8) I love to laugh, not just the haha, but the big old belly laugh that makes you almost pee your pants laugh
    9) I love to sit on my porch on a spring afternoon and feel the breeze blow as I rock in my rocker.
    10) I love the rare occurances where I spend time with all my brothers and sisters. I come from a large family (7 of us) and it 's rare we get to be together :flowerforyou: