Hello from San Francisco!

I decided to give the mobile app a go without realizing there was a whole desktop experience and community behind it! I've only been doing this since yesterday but its been good so far.

Previously I've been a weight watchers member but the points system and meetings have been...well...bugging me lately. What's the significance of knowing how much a food is in "points" when you can just know the calorie/protein/fat? I've decided I'd like to try out this using real data thing to track my food. I've also had horrible success on the new weight watcher system, so that's another motivator.

Here we go!


  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member

    I too am a WW flunkie - have done the program(s) at different times in my life with varying success. However, like you, while I could follow the points system, it really didn't teach me how to eat healthfully/mindfully. I've been on MFP now for about a year. Same as you, I downloaded the app, then found the online desktop version. I'm now addicted to MFP, and feel like I actually can sustain this lifestyle change. I would recommend finding some "buddies" either through the community forum - or from others you might know that are on a similar journey. I've had 2 friends along the way on here, and they have been a huge motivator for me to continue on - I'm not only accountable to myself, but also to them :)

    Good luck!